
ArbChargeback Assignment


While a response is awaited from the merchant in MC Arb Chargeback Response, this assignment is displayed.


When Mastercom integration is configured, this assignment will be completed by the system when a response is received in queue.  When no integration is available, a user must complete the Record Acquirer Response action and record the "Accept" or "Inbound Arbitration" response from the merchant.  If the 30 day timeframe for a response, as defined in the Mastercard Chargeback Guide, has expired, a user may select Other Actions > No Response Received to move the case forward.  The system will automatically execute this flow action when the SLA deadline shown below is reached.

Optional, the user may execute the Withdraw Case action via Other Actions.  When Mastercom is enabled, this will withdraw the case from the system and the issuer will assume full liability for the amount of the dispute.  The user will be prompted to deny or write-off the remaining recovery amount.


Goal: 30 days (No Action)

Deadline: 35 days; Activity: No Response Received

Work QueuePendingResponse
Work Group
