Review Re-Open Request


The Review Re-Open Request assignment is generated when a re-open request is submitted by the accountholder, claim intake specialist, or back-office analyst following this action.

For tips and best practices, check out this article.


  1. Click the Review Re-Open Request button. 


  2. Determine if the case should be re-opened by reviewing the responses to the reopen form.

    • Why are you requesting to reopen the case?

    • Are you providing new information?

    • Consider the original denial reason and whether the request should be reopened.

  3. To reopen the claim, select Yes from the Approve Request drop-down.

    • Determine if provisional credit should be issued by answering Yes or No to "Would you like to issue provisional credit?"

    • Click the Apply button.

    • Click the Process Actions button.

  4. To deny the reopen request, select No from the Approve Request drop-down.

    • Select the denial reason from the Reason for Denial drop-down.

    • Review the denial letter to ensure it is accurate.

    • Click the Apply button.

    • Click the Process Actions button. 

