Setup Email Host - Quavo

Setup Email Host - Quavo

How it works

Quavo hosts an email server that is registered to a domain belonging to the client.  Usually this is something like disputes.clientdomain.com

Addresses and the subdomain can be chosen by your financial institution but are usually communication-test@disputes.clientdomain.com and communication@disputes.clientdomain.com.

NOTE: We will ALWAYS need a unique email address for Staging and Production, the two environments CANNOT use the same email address.

Setup Process

Email that will be hosted by Quavo requires your financial institution to make certain DNS entries on Quavo's behalf.  This may require approval or socialization, and you may determine MS Graph better suits your organization. 

Quavo will provide DNS entries unique to your financial institution. Once you receive the DNS entries and they are setup, QFD will complete its configuration and validation.