Case Interaction API

Case Interaction API


Provides an API for client systems to check if there are open cases, case status, and take actions. This service enables accountholders to manage their claims online or using their mobile phone, reducing call volume and increasing account holder satisfaction. 

How It Works

This API is typically used in tandem with that Case Intake API, enabling a complete end-to-end experience for account holders. There are two configuration methods:

  1. Widget powered by Alkami
    Alkami is a platform that provides online banking services to many of our credit union members. Alkami provides an SDK that can be used to develop widget that run on the Alkami platform to extend functionality. Quavo has developed a widget using this SDK so that our create case and status widgets are available to end users within the Alkami online banking system.  

  2. Get Case URL Widget
    Get Case URL is used to place calls in order to retrieve responses directly to the widget. These responses enable account holders to submit new claims and review their case history, and take actions where enabled. 


Mobile App

Mobile App Demo.mp4

Online Banking

Selfserve Demo.mp4


Quavo Responsibilities

  1. Provide client specification and access to the API

  2. Work with client to understand operations, parameters, investigate issues, etc.

Client Responsibilities

  1. Implement the status call API into desired applications

Third Party Responsibilities


Success Criteria

In a testing environment, the client should test and sign off on API response values and operations.

Best Practices

Online and mobile will always provide a richer experience and we recommend driving as much volume to that channel as possible, but this can be a helpful option before that is integrated or for callers who aren't interested in online channels.


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