Ethoca Alerts

Ethoca Alerts


QFD fully integrates Ethoca Alerts service into the fraud and dispute workflow. This feature eliminates the need to process chargebacks when the merchant doesn't settle transaction or issues refunds. This replaces the traditionally lengthy and expensive chargeback process for merchants who have agreements with Ethoca to review submissions.

How It Works

QFD uses the API to execute the call and uses matching criteria to identify refunds. When a refund is identified, QFD will close the dispute and process the case accordingly. 


Quavo Responsibilities

  1. Work with the client on engagement with Ethoca and requested service details.

  2. Work with client to obtain Ethoca matching criteria (transacting card number and acquirer reference number) or implement suitable workaround.

  3. Enable Ethoca Alerts addon in client test environment.

Client Responsibilities

  1. Work with Ethoca account representative to procure the Ethoca Alerts API.

  2. Pay any associated fees for use of the Ethoca Alerts API.

  3. Provide test and production credentials to Quavo within one month of phase kickoff.

Third Party Responsibilities

Ethoca - onboard client to the Ethoca Alerts API

Success Criteria

In a test environment, a transaction should be submitted to Ethoca.  A response that the merchant will provide a credit or not provide a credit should be tested to ensure that the appropriate automated tasks are completed with these responses.

Best Practices

  • This service typically runs quite well and reduces human intervention in the disputes process significantly. 

  • Watch the volume of items pending Ethoca response to make sure they are within acceptable thresholds.

  • Enable sending authorization alerts to Ethoca to avoid a transaction in dispute from posting to the account.


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