Identity Theft Workflows

Identity Theft Workflows


QFD supports the filing and investigation of claims where a credit card account is reported as being fraudulently opened.  When enabled, new dispute reasons are available when filing a credit card claim that will prompt the reporter to answer a specific set of questions related to the report of identity theft.  Claim processing for Fraud Application includes document requirements, and for both Fraud Application and Account Takeover (ATO) includes controls for Regulation Z and FCRA, card blocking, fraud reporting and credit bureau maintenance activities, specific correspondence and a research assignment to prompt a review and decision by an investigator.  Additionally, standard QFD tools and reporting are included for these cases.

Extension: Fraud Applications

To enable the fraud application case type, set ShouldShowFraudApp to true.

The fraud application case type is unique for a few reasons.

  1. Since the claim is that the account itself is fraudulent, there are no transactions included in the claim.

  2. Since the true party may not be a customer, correspondence must be adapted accordingly.

The following sections include links to rules that are specialized for identity theft cases.


Fraud Application Questionnaire

Account Takeover (ATO) Questionnaire


The following correspondence rules are pre-defined and, depending on your implementation, may be customizable.

Fraud Application Confirmation Letter

Statement of Fraudulent Application

Fraud Application Deny Letter

Fraud Application Paid Letter

ATO Confirmation Letter

ATO Confirmation Letter No Transactions

ATO Transactionless Claim - Investigation Completed


Fraud Application

The workflow is also specialized and includes only a subset of the activities that are executed on a standard fraud claim. The fraud application workflow excludes the following steps:

  • Accounting

  • Provisional Credit

  • Recovery

fraud app recording.gif



The workflow is also specialized and includes only a subset of the activities that are executed on a standard fraud claim. The ATO Transactionless workflow excludes the following steps:

  • Accounting

  • Provisional Credit

  • Recovery



This workflow is not differentiated from the standard card fraud claim cycle. Follow the Association’s recovery guidelines.

ATO Recording.gif

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