23.1 Visa Mandates

23.1 Visa Mandates


The QFD Version 23.03 release of QFD is compatible with mandate changes for 23.1.  Mandate changes will take effect immediately.

Impact Summary

Based on the research conducted, the following changes were identified as impacts to QFD. 

Process Impacts
Questionnaire Changes
  • Extensive changes have been added to the Visa Cancelled Recurring questionnaire to include the cancelation method with the merchant.
Associated Transaction Credits Do Not Apply
  • When a credit associated transaction does not apply an explanation should be given to why the credit presented did not apply as well as the ARN and date of transactions to which credit is applied. 

New Pre-Arbitration Dispute Reasons
  • A new Pre-Arbitration dispute reason RE is available for acquirers.
  • "Remedy - Prior Undisputed Non-Fraud Transaction"

Change Log

As a result of our analysis of Visa's documentation, the following changes have been implemented in the mandates release of QFD.

Impacted AudienceSummaryRelease Note DetailRelease Note DocumentationStory ID

Updated the DPS RTSI schema to align with the 23.1 version.

RTSI UsersRTSI Schema (Non-DPS)

Updated the RTSI schema to align with the 23.1 version.

Visa Intake UsersVisa Cancelled Recurring Questionnaire Changes

Added new required questions to the Visa Recurring Cancelled questionnaire to gather details about cancellation method with the merchant and if another form of payment was provided to the merchant.

RTSI & DPS UsersAssociated Transaction Credits Do Not ApplyWhen an identified associated transaction credit is presented to the user and not applied to the dispute users are now required to provide the ARN and date of the transaction the credit did apply to along with the explanation that was previously sent.


The following documents were analyzed to identify changes that impact Visa and/or Visa RTSI functionality as supported in QFD.

  1. VROL-RTSI-changes-for-April-2023.pdf
  2. IES for Release 22.2_Pub 07.01.2023

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