User Completed Actions

User Completed Actions

Description:Provides a list of all actions completed by a system user.  This data can be helpful for evaluating user performance.
Sources:Claim, CompletedActions, UserProfile

It is important that you always include tenantID in your WHERE clause.  Not doing so will result in poor performance.  



    c.claimtype AS "Claim Type",
    c.reasontype AS "Claim Category",
    c.reason AS "Claim Reason",
    c.channelorigin AS "Claim Channel",
    c.status AS "Claim Status",
    c.customercontactdate AS "Claim Contact Date",
    a.claimdispute as "Parent",
    a.claimid AS "Claim ID",
    a.disputeid AS "Dispute ID",
    a.flowtype AS "Flow",
    a.flowaction AS "Action",
    a.taskname AS "Assignment",
        WHEN a.addedbyid = 'System' THEN 'System'
        ELSE CONCAT(LEFT(u.firstname, 1), '. ', u.lastname)
    END) AS "Performed By",
    a.eventdatetime as "Event Date"
FROM completedactions AS a
JOIN claim AS c ON a.tenantid = c.tenantid AND a.claimid = c.claimid
LEFT JOIN userprofile as u ON u.tenantid = a.tenantid AND u.userid = a.addedbyid
    a.addedbyid != 'System' AND a.addedbyid IS NOT NULL
    AND a.eventdatetime =:daterange