Resolved Disputes - Summary
Resolved Disputes - Summary
It is important that you always include tenantID in your WHERE clause. Not doing so will result in poor performance. WHERE tenantid = 'YOURTENANTIDHERE'
WITH disputes AS ( SELECT d.amount AS "Transaction Amount", d.disputeamount AS "Dispute Amount", d.losstotal * -1 AS "Loss Amount", (CASE WHEN (SELECT SUM(mc.appliedamount) FROM merchantcredit AS mc WHERE mc.tenantid = d.tenantid AND mc.disputeid = d.disputeid) > 0 THEN (SELECT SUM(mc.appliedamount) FROM merchantcredit AS mc WHERE mc.tenantid = d.tenantid AND mc.disputeid = d.disputeid) WHEN (d.denyreason = 'Merchant Issued Credit' AND (d.disputeamount + d.merchanttotal + d.losstotal) > 0) THEN d.disputeamount + d.merchanttotal + d.losstotal ELSE 0 END) AS "Merchant Credit Amount", (CASE WHEN d.amount = d.disputeamount THEN d.disputeamount - d.accountholdertotal - "Merchant Credit Amount" WHEN d.disputeamount = "Merchant Credit Amount" THEN 0 ELSE d.disputeamount - d.accountholdertotal END) AS "Denied Amount", (CASE WHEN d.merchanttotal * -1 < 0 THEN 0 --account for undue enrichment disputes ELSE d.merchanttotal * -1 END) AS "Recovered Amount", IFNULL((SELECT SUM(amount) FROM recoveryaction AS win WHERE win.tenantid = d.tenantid AND win.disputeid = d.disputeid AND (win.actionname IN ('Dispute Accepted - Partial', 'Dispute Accepted - Full', 'No Response Received', 'Representment Not Received', 'Rapid Dispute Resolution') OR win.actionname IN ('Response Received - Full Amount Recovered', 'Response Received - Partial Amount Recovered') AND win.cycle = 1 OR win.actionname IN ('Recovery Pursued', 'Return Submitted') AND win.recoveryassociation = 'ACH') AND win.actioncode != 'UndueEnrichment'), 0) - IFNULL((SELECT SUM(amount) FROM accounting AS a WHERE a.tenantid = d.tenantid AND a.disputeid = d.disputeid AND a.reason = 'Merchant Funds Disbursement' AND a.debitcredit = 'Debit'), 0) AS "Cycle 1 Recovery", IFNULL((SELECT SUM(amount) FROM recoveryaction AS win WHERE win.tenantid = d.tenantid AND win.disputeid = d.disputeid AND (win.actionname IN ('Inbound Pre-Arbitration Response Accepted', 'No Inbound Arbitration Received', 'Pre-Arbitration Accepted - Full', 'Pre-Arbitration Accepted - Partial', 'No Pre-Arbitration Response Received') OR win.actionname IN ('Response Received - Full Amount Recovered', 'Response Received - Partial Amount Recovered') AND win.cycle = 2) AND win.actioncode != 'UndueEnrichment'), 0) AS "Cycle 2 Recovery", IFNULL((SELECT SUM(amount) FROM recoveryaction AS win WHERE win.tenantid = d.tenantid AND win.disputeid = d.disputeid AND (win.actionname IN ('Arbitration Won', 'Arbitration Split', 'Arbitration Accepted') OR win.actionname IN ('Response Received - Full Amount Recovered', 'Response Received - Partial Amount Recovered') AND win.cycle >= 3) AND win.actioncode != 'UndueEnrichment'), 0) AS "Cycle 3 Recovery", "Recovered Amount" + "Merchant Credit Amount" + "Denied Amount" as "Recaptured Amount" FROM dispute AS d JOIN claim AS c ON c.tenantid = d.tenantid AND c.claimid = d.claimid LEFT JOIN correspondence AS dj ON dj.tenantid = d.tenantid AND dj.disputeid = d.disputeid AND dj.purpose IN ('No Error Occurred', 'Partial Deny No Error', 'Accountholder Liable', 'Resolved Partial Deny No Error') AND dj.runtimememo IS NOT NULL WHERE d.resolveddatetime =:daterange AND d.status in ('Resolved-Paid', 'Resolved-Denied') -- exclude open disputes and temporary authorizations that posted as these will have a new dispute record ) SELECT COUNT(*) AS "Resolved Dispute Count", SUM("Dispute Amount") AS "Amount Disputed", COUNT_IF("Loss Amount" > 0) AS "Disputes With Losses", SUM("Loss Amount") AS "Total Loss Amount", COUNT_IF("Recovered Amount" > 0) AS "Disputes With Recovery", SUM("Cycle 1 Recovery") AS "Cycle 1 Recovered Amount", SUM("Cycle 2 Recovery") AS "Cycle 2 Recovered Amount", SUM("Cycle 3 Recovery") AS "Cycle 3 Recovered Amount", SUM("Recovered Amount") AS "Total Recovered Amount", COUNT_IF("Merchant Credit Amount" > 0) AS "Disputes With Merchant Credit", SUM("Merchant Credit Amount") AS "Total Merchant Credits", COUNT_IF("Denied Amount" > 0) AS "Disputes With Denial", SUM("Denied Amount") AS "Total Denied", SUM("Recaptured Amount") AS "Recaptured Amount" FROM disputes
Field Glossary
Field | Definition |
Resolved Dispute Count | Posted amount of the transaction. May differ from /wiki/spaces/ARIA/pages/48269484. |
Total Disputed Amount | The current amount in dispute, accounting for any recoveries or adjustments. |
Disputes with Losses | Count of disputes with a loss (partial or full). |
Total Loss Amount | The balance of the Loss accounting collection. Also referred to as LOSSTOTAL. |
Disputes with Recovery | Count of disputes with successful recoveries (partial or full). |
Cycle 1 Recovery | The total dollar amount of any successful recovery attempts during the first cycle. For card transactions, this refers to the chargeback cycle. |
Cycle 2 Recovery | The total dollar amount of any successful recovery attempts during the second cycle. For card transactions, this typically represents the pre-arbitration cycle. |
Cycle 3 Recovery | The total dollar amount of any successful recovery attempts during the second cycle. For card transactions, this typically represents an arbitration or compliance cycle. |
Total Recovered Amount | Total amount of all successful partial and full recovery attempts. Does not include merchant credits posted directly to the account. Not considered final until the dispute is in a resolved status. |
Denied Amount | Total amount of all partial and full denials applied, not including merchant credits. |
Recovered Amount | Total amount of all successful partial and full recovery attempts. Does not include merchant credits posted directly to the account. Not considered final until the dispute is in a resolved status. |
Disputes With Merchant Credit | Count of disputes with an applied merchant credit (partial or full). |
Total Merchant Credits | Amount of all applied merchant credits. |
Disputes with Denial | Count of disputes with an applied denial (partial or full). |
Total Denied | Total amount of all partial and full denials applied, not including merchant credits. |
Recaptured Amount | Represents the total dollar amount of successful loss avoidance, including recoveries, merchant credits, and denials. |
Change Log
Date | Description |
5/9/2024 | Updated Merchant Credit logic to use the Merchant Credit table in order to capture partial merchant credits on paid and denied disputes. |
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