Regulatory View
Name | RegDetails |
Type | View |
Description | Provides all fields that are applicable when evaluating regulatory compliance. Includes all claims, regardless of regulatory coverage. Regulatory deadlines are populated based on applied regulatory coverages. Actual values, such as when a provisional credit was executed or when an acknowledgement letter is sent are displayed, regardless of coverages applied. Use the Regulatory Coverage field to filter accordingly. |
Version Availability | 25.01 |
Data Category | Event Field/Column Name | Data Type | Description | Applicability | Sample Value | Notes |
Key | TenantId | VARCHAR | ALWAYS | qvo-stg |
| |
Key | Tenant | VARCHAR |
| ALWAYS | Default |
Key | ClientId | VARCHAR | ALWAYS | Default |
| |
Key | Client | VARCHAR |
| ALWAYS | Default |
Claim Details | ClaimType | VARCHAR | CONDITIONAL | Card-Pinless |
| |
Claim Details | ClaimCategory | VARCHAR | CONDITIONAL | Fraud |
| |
Claim Details | ClaimReason | VARCHAR | CONDITIONAL | Stolen |
| |
Compliance Details | RegulatoryCoverage | VARCHAR |
Card Details | BIN | VARCHAR | CONDITIONAL | 412356, 41235678 |
| |
Transaction Details | TransactionType | VARCHAR | ALWAYS | ATM |
| |
Transaction Details | Network | VARCHAR |
| CONDITIONAL | Mastercard, Visa |
Key | ClaimId | VARCHAR(32) | ALWAYS | 2306060014C |
| |
Key | DisputeId | VARCHAR(32) |
| ALWAYS | 2306060014D |
Claim Details | ClaimStatus | VARCHAR(64) | ALWAYS | RESOLVED-PAID |
| |
Dispute Details | DisputeStatus | VARCHAR(64) | ALWAYS | RESOLVED-PAID |
| |
Dispute Details | Decision | VARCHAR(64) | CONDITIONAL | Paid, Denied |
| |
Dispute Details | DenyReason | VARCHAR | CONDITIONAL | No Error |
| |
Dispute Details | ReassertionIndicator | BOOLEAN | Indicates if the dispute has been reopened. | CONDITIONAL | TRUE |
Account Details | NextPaymentDate | DATE | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 | Only applicable when provided by the System of Record. | |
Account Details | AutopayEnrollmentIndicator | BOOLEAN | CONDITIONAL | TRUE | Only applicable when provided by the System of Record. | |
Account Details | StatementCycleDate | DATE | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 | Only applicable when provided by the System of Record. | |
Dispute Details | CreateDate | DATE | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 |
| |
Claim Details | ContactDate | DATE | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 |
| |
Compliance Details | InvestigationDate | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 |
| |
Correspondence Details | AcknowledgementLetterDate | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | Datetime that the acknowledgement (confirmation) letter was mailed. | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 |
Compliance Details | AcknowledgementDeadline | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | Date that the claim must be acknowledged, where required. | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 | Only applicable to claims covered by Regulation Z. |
Compliance Details | PC1020 | Number | Indicates whether a 10 business day or 20 business day PC requirement is applied based on the proximity of disputed transaction dates to account open date. | CONDITIONAL | 10, 20 | Only applicable to claims covered by Regulation E. |
Compliance Details | PCDeadline | DATE | Calculated date that indicates the date that a dispute must be resolved or granted provisional credit. | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 | Only applicable to Regulation E. |
Compliance Details | WitholdingDeadline | DATE | Calculated date that a provisional credit or dispute status must be applied to a dispute in order to prevent a billing attempt by debiting a disputed amount via automatic payment. | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 | Only applicable to Regulation Z. |
Accounting Details | PCDate | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | Datetime that a provisional credit accounting entry was executed. | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 | Only applicable when provisional credit accounting has been executed. |
Accounting Details | PCAmount | NUMBER | Amount of provisional credit accounting entry was executed. | CONDITIONAL | 123.45 | Only applicable when provisional credit accounting has been executed. |
Correspondence Details | PCLetterDate | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | Datetime that notification of provisional credit was mailed. | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 | Only applicable when provisional credit letter has been mailed. |
Dispute Details | DisputeStatusDate | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | Datetime that a dispute was placed in dispute status via Account Maintenance. | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 | Only applicable to Regulation Z. |
Compliance Details | ResolutionDeadline | DATE | ALWAYS | 2023-09-09 |
| |
Dispute Details | ResolutionDate | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 | Only applicable when the dispute has been resolved. | |
Accounting Details | FinalCreditDate | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | Datetime that a final credit was executed via one of the following accounting entries: ‘Final Credit’, ‘Undue Enrichment Recovery (AccountHolder)’, ‘Write Off’. | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 | Only applicable when a final credit has been executed. |
Accounting Details | FinalCreditAmount | NUMBER | Amount of final credit via one of the following accounting entries: ‘Final Credit’, ‘Undue Enrichment Recovery (AccountHolder)’, ‘Write Off’. | CONDITIONAL | 123.45 | Only applicable when a final credit has been executed. |
Correspondence Details | ResolutionLetterDate | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | Datetime that a Paid or Denied letter was mailed. | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 | Only applicable when a resolution letter has been mailed. |
Accounting Details | DenyDebitDate | TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) | Datetime that a credit reversal was executed via one of the following accounting entries: ‘Deny Dispute', ‘Final Credit Reversal’. | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 | Only applicable when deny debit accounting has been executed. |
Accounting Details | DenyDebitAmount | NUMBER | Amount of credit reversal via one of the following accounting entries: ‘Deny Dispute', ‘Final Credit Reversal’. | CONDITIONAL | 123.45 | Only applicable when deny debit accounting has been executed. |