Completed Tasks View
Name | Work_Completed |
Type | View |
Description | All tasks in a user queue that have been completed. Useful for performance and task completion timeliness reporting. |
Version Availability | 25.01 |
Data Category | Event Field/Column Name | Data Type | Description | Applicability | Sample Value | Notes |
Key | Tenant ID | VARCHAR | ALWAYS | qvo-stg |
| |
Key | Tenant | VARCHAR |
| ALWAYS | Default |
Key | Client ID | VARCHAR | ALWAYS | Default |
| |
Key | Client | VARCHAR |
| ALWAYS | Default |
Claim Details | Claim Type | VARCHAR | CONDITIONAL | Card-Pinless |
| |
Claim Details | Claim Category | VARCHAR | CONDITIONAL | Fraud |
| |
Compliance Details | Regulatory Coverage | VARCHAR |
Dispute Details | Network | VARCHAR |
Key | ClaimId | VARCHAR | ALWAYS | 2306060014C |
| |
Key | DisputeId | VARCHAR | ALWAYS | 2306060014D |
| |
Claim Details | PC Date | TIMESTAMP_TZ | Date that provisional credit must be granted by, based on applicable regulatory rules. | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 |
Claim Details | Final Reg Date | TIMESTAMP_TZ | Date the the claim must be resolved by, based on applicable regulatory rules. | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 |
Dispute Details | Next Recovery Date | TIMESTAMP_TZ | Date that the next recovery action must be completed by the issuer. | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 |
Assignment Details | Workgroup | VARCHAR |
Assignment Details | Assignment Group | VARCHAR | General grouping of assignment. | ALWAYS | Collect Customer Documentation |
Assignment Details | Assignment | VARCHAR | Name of the assignment. | ALWAYS | Pending Documents |
Assignment Details | Created Date | TIMESTAMP_TZ | Datetime that the assignment was created. | ALWAYS | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 |
Assignment Details | Completed Date | TIMESTAMP_TZ | Datetime that the assignment was completed. | CONDITIONAL | 2023-09-09 21:00:00 | Only displayed when the assignment state is “Completed”. |
Assignment Details | Performed By | VARCHAR | ALWAYS | D. Robertson |
| |
Assignment Details | Performed By User ID | VARCHAR | ALWAYS | |
For greater transparency, and to provide clients with a “jumping off” point for their own queries, the SQL used to generated this view is provided below.
WHEN c.rege45datetime IS NOT NULL THEN 'Reg E'
WHEN c.rege90datetime IS NOT NULL THEN 'Reg E'
WHEN c.regz90datetime IS NOT NULL THEN 'Reg Z'
WHEN c.isfcra = TRUE THEN 'FCRA'
ELSE 'No Coverage'
END) AS "Regulatory Coverage",
WHEN c.rege10datetime IS NOT NULL THEN TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ(c.rege10datetime::varchar || ' +0000')
WHEN c.regzpcdatetime IS NOT NULL THEN TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ(c.regzpcdatetime::varchar || ' +0000')
END) AS provisionalcreditdate,
a.nextrecoverydatetime as nextrecoverydate,
WHEN c.rege45datetime IS NOT NULL THEN TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ(c.rege45datetime::varchar || ' +0000')
WHEN c.rege90datetime IS NOT NULL THEN TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ(c.rege90datetime::varchar || ' +0000')
WHEN c.regz90datetime IS NOT NULL THEN TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ(c.regz90datetime::varchar || ' +0000')
END) AS finalregdate,
TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ(a.createdatetime::varchar || ' +0000') as createddate,
TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ(a.eventdatetime::varchar || ' +0000') as completeddate,
WHEN g.assignmentgroup = 'Daily Critical Assignments' THEN 'Daily Critical'
WHEN g.assignmentgroup = 'Daily Maintenance Assignments' THEN 'Daily Maintenance'
WHEN g.assignmentgroup = 'Late Lifecycle Recovery Assignments' THEN 'Late Lifecycle Recovery'
WHEN g.assignmentgroup IS NULL AND (completeddate <= nextrecoverydate OR completeddate <= finalregdate) THEN 'Approaching Recovery/Regulatory Deadline'
WHEN g.assignmentgroup IS NULL AND (nextrecoverydate IS NOT NULL OR finalregdate IS NOT NULL) THEN 'Past Recovery/Regulatory Deadline'
WHEN g.assignmentgroup IS NULL AND nextrecoverydate IS NULL AND finalregdate IS NULL THEN 'Non-Regulatory'
ELSE g.assignmentgroup
END) AS assignmentgroup,
WHEN a.performedbyid = 'System' or a.performedbyid is NULL THEN 'System' -- QPS-9986
ELSE CONCAT(u.lastname, '. ', u.firstname)
END) AS PerformedBy,
FROM assignment as a
JOIN tenant as t on t.tenantid = a.tenantid
JOIN client as cl on cl.tenantid = a.tenantid AND cl.clientid = a.clientid
JOIN claim as c on c.tenantid = a.tenantid AND c.claimid = a.claimid
LEFT JOIN assignmentgrouping as g on g.assignment = a.tasklabel
LEFT JOIN dispute as d on d.tenantid = a.tenantid AND d.disputeid = a.disputeid
LEFT JOIN userprofile as u ON u.tenantid = a.tenantid AND u.userid = a.performedbyid
a.assignmentstate = 'Completed'
AND a.workgroup NOT IN ('System','Pending','Unworkable','Default')
Change Log
Date | Change Summary |
2/3/2025 |