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Claim Abuse | Test the claim velocity threshold | Create as many claims as needed to reach the claim abuse threshold for a single accountholder. Typically, this threshold is three claims created in 180 days. Your firm's threshold may differ. Confirm the claim abuse notification is present on the claims you've created. The notification is displayed when the red alarm bell is clicked.
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Attachments - Back Office | Attach a document to the case as a back-office user. | Access any claim as a back-office user. Under the Attachments section, click Attach new. Click the Select file(s) button. A file browser window will populate. Select a document to test. Click the Attach button. The test document will now be present under the Attachments section.
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Letters - Workflow | Send out multiple letters as part of the claim workflow to your email. | Provisional Credit letter test Access a newly created claim where provisional credit has not yet been issued. Update the email to an inbox you have access to by selecting Edit contact info from the ellipses next to the accountholder's name. Process the existing assignments on the claim in order to move the claim to the Provisional Credit stage. Click the Grant Provisional Credit button. Review the letter generated to ensure it includes the appropriate verbiage per the letter package, the disputed transaction(s) is displaying accurately, and the date is correct. Click the Apply button. Click the Process Actions button. Review the letter that was sent to your email. Validate that the logo, verbiage, disputed transaction(s), and date are all correct.
Paid letter test Access the Collaboration stage and select "Cancel Merchant Credit Check" from the Other Actions menu. Click the Process Actions button. Access the Disposition stage. Click the Do Not Pursue Recovery for All to pay all the disputes on the claim. Enter text in the Reason box. Select Process Liability under Liability Decision. Select Write Off under Next Step. Enter text under "Please provide an explanation" Review the letter generated to ensure it includes the appropriate verbiage per the letter package, the disputed transaction(s) is displaying accurately, and the date is correct. Click the Apply button. Click the Process Actions button. Review the letter that was sent to your email. Validate that the logo, verbiage, disputed transaction(s), and date are all correct.
Deny letter test Access a newly created claim where provisional credit has not yet been issued. Update the email to an inbox you have access to by selecting Edit contact info from the ellipses next to the accountholder's name. Process the existing assignments on the claim in order to move the claim to the Provisional Credit stage. Click the Deny All button. Select a deny reason under the Reason for Denial drop-down. Review the letter generated to ensure it includes the appropriate verbiage per the letter package, the disputed transaction(s) is displaying accurately, and the date is correct. Click the Apply button. Click the Process Actions button. Review the letter that was sent to your email. Validate that the logo, verbiage, disputed transaction(s), and date are all correct.
| Letters generate correctly as part of the claim workflow in the back-office Letters include the appropriate verbiage, transaction grid, dates, and logo Letters can be received
Letters - Communication Hub | Send out multiple letters as part of the Communication Hub to your email. | Access any claim as a back-office user. Update the email to an inbox you have access to by selecting Edit contact info from the ellipses next to the accountholder's name. Click on Communication under the Case Tools. Click the Send New Letter button. Select the first test letter from the "Which letter would you like to send?" drop-down. Review the letter generated to ensure it includes the appropriate verbiage per the letter package, the disputed transaction(s) is displaying accurately, and the date is correct. Click the Send Letter button. Review the letter that was sent to your email. Validate that the logo, verbiage, disputed transaction(s), and date are all correct. Repeat steps 3 - 8 to test the remaining letters.
| Letters generate correctly as part of the Communication Hub in the back-office Letters include the appropriate verbiage, transaction grid, dates, and logo Letters can be received
Fraud Reporting | Complete the Fraud Reporting assignment in the back-office. | Access an open fraud claim for a card transaction. Click on the Fraud Reporting stage. Click on the Mastercard Report Fraud or Visa Report Fraud button. Check the box to certify that the necessary steps were taken to satisfy the Fraud Reporting requirements. Click the Apply button.
Click the Process Actions button.
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Block and Reissue | Complete the Block and Reissue assignment in the back-office. | Access an open fraud claim for a card transaction. Click on the Account Maintenance stage. Select Block and Reissue Card from the Other Actions menu. Check the boxes and enter a new test card number. Click the Apply button. Click the Process Actions button.
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Bulk Actions | Test QFD's ability to process multiple actions on a single multi-dispute claim. | Access a newly opened claim that houses multiple disputed transactions. Click on the stage where the disputed transactions require manual work. Click on the Bulk Take Action button. Complete the assignment for each dispute then click the Apply button. Move onto the next assignment and do not click the Process Actions button. Click the Process Actions button once all assignments have been worked. QFD will process all of the actions you've queued as part of working the assignments.
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Enrichment - Pinless Card | Confirm automated enrichment by manually adding a test transaction provided by the Association. | Obtain a test account from the Association (Visa or Mastercard). You will need the transaction date, amount, description and card number. Ensure the staging environment supports manually adding transactions. This configuration can be turned on in the Admin Portal. You may need to reach out to your Quavo Project Manager to confirm or update this setting for testing. Create a new claim using any dispute reason. At the Select Transactions screen, click Manually add the transaction. Enter the date, amount, description, and card number provided by the Association. Select "Pinless Card" from the Type drop-down. Select "Debit" from the Debit/Credit drop-down. Click the Add button. Submit the claim then close it. Reopen the claim. The Initialization and Enrichment nodes should display a green check mark indicating QFD has successfully processed these tasks.
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Provisional Credit Auto Issuance | Confirm QFD will auto-issue Provisional Credit on applicable claims. | Create a claim using a transaction that is under the auto-issue Provisional Credit threshold. This amount varies by client. Note: Use an accountholder who has not yet reached the claim abuse threshold. Accountholders who are flagged for claim abuse prevent auto-issue Provisional Credit. Submit the claim then close it. Reopen the claim. If needed, manually bypass Enrichment and Collaboration. The Provisional Credit node should show a green check mark indicating QFD has successfully processed the task.
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In-network Chargeback - Pinless Card | Complete both a fraud and non-fraud claim and work through the Chargeback stage for a pinless card transaction. | Access an open card claim using a pinless transaction. Work the dispute to the Disposition stage. The first assignment in the Disposition stage is Disposition Case, where a recovery option is chosen for the chargeback. Review the Recovery Options and ensure they're relevant to the claim reason. Complete the Disposition Case assignment. The dispute will now move to the Recovery node.
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Alt Network Chargeback - Pinned Card | Complete both a fraud and non-fraud claim and work through the Chargeback stage for a pinned card transaction. | Access an open card claim. Work the dispute to the Disposition stage. The first assignment in the Disposition stage is Disposition Case, where a recovery option is chosen for the chargeback. Review the Recovery Options and ensure they're relevant to the claim reason. Complete the Disposition Case assignment. The dispute will now move to the Recovery node.
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Pre-arbitration - Pinless Card | Complete both a fraud and non-fraud claim and work through the Pre-arbitration stage for a pinless card transaction. | Access an open card claim. Work the dispute to the Disposition stage. The first assignment in the Disposition stage is Disposition Case, where a recovery option is chosen for the chargeback. The dispute(s) will move to the Recovery stage. Click the Resume Service Execution button. The dispute(s) will move to the Disposition stage. Click the Chargeback Response Received button. Select Declined under the Acquirer Response. Enter today's date as the Response Date. Click the Apply button then the Process Actions button. The second assignment in the Disposition stage is Review Inbound Pre-arb. Test the Issuer actions: Accept (pay or deny), Accept Partial (pursue an amount and pay/deny the remainder), Deny (pursue Arbitration)
| Claims can go through the recovery flow and advance to Pre-arbitration Issuer actions include Accept, Accept Partial, Decline Appropriate letters and accounting adjustments are generated
Representment | Complete claim work through the Chargeback stage for both Fraud and Non-fraud claims. | Access an open card claim. Work the dispute to the Disposition stage. The first assignment in the Disposition stage is Disposition Case, where a recovery option is chosen for the chargeback. The dispute(s) will move to the Recovery stage. Click the Resume Service Execution button. The dispute(s) will move to the Disposition stage. Click the Chargeback Response Received button. Select Declined under the Acquirer Response. Enter today's date as the Response Date. Click the Apply button then the Process Actions button. The next assignment in the Disposition stage is Review Representment. Test the Issuer actions: Accept (pay or deny), Accept Partial (pursue an amount and pay/deny the remainder), Deny (pursue Arbitration)
| Claims can go through the recovery flow and advance to Representment Issuer actions include Accept, Accept Partial, Decline Appropriate letters and accounting adjustments are generated
Arbitration | Complete claim work through the Arbitration stage for both Fraud and Non-fraud claims. | Access an open card claim. Work the dispute to the Disposition stage. The first assignment in the Disposition stage is Disposition Case, where a recovery option is chosen for the chargeback. The dispute(s) will move to the Recovery stage. Click the Resume Service Execution button. The dispute(s) will move to the Disposition stage. Click the Chargeback Response Received button. Select Declined under the Acquirer Response. Enter today's date as the Response Date. Click the Apply button then the Process Actions button. The next assignment in the Disposition stage is Review Representment. The dispute(s) will move to the Recovery stage. Select the Execute Case Filing option from the Other Actions menu. The dispute(s) will move to the Disposition stage. Click the Record Acquirer Response button. Select Declined under the Acquirer Response. Enter today's date as the Response Date. Click the Apply button then the Process Actions button. The next assignment in the Disposition stage is the Review Pre-arbitration Response. The dispute(s) will move to the Recovery stage. Click the Update Case Filing button. The dispute(s) will move to the Disposition stage. Click the Record Response button. Select Rejected under the Acquirer Response. Enter today's date as the Response Date. Click the Apply button then the Process Actions button. The final assignment in the Disposition stage is Review Arbitration. Test the rulings: Arbitration won, arbitration lost, split ruling.
| Claims can go through the recovery flow and advance to Arbitration Claims can be marked as won, lost, and split ruling without any errors Appropriate letters and accounting adjustments are generated
Recovery Details | Review the Recovery Details located on the Overview tab for recovery actions. | Access a claim where the disputed transaction has reached the Disposition stage. Click on the Overview tab. Select Recovery from the Other Actions menu. Review the Recovery Details for the recovery actions logged. Expect to see results from Ethoca, Verifi, and manual recovery actions.
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Audit Log - Case Level | Review the Audit tab for a log of case-level actions. | Access any claim, open or closed. Click on the Audit tab. Review the Audit log for case-level actions that have taken place.
| Audit log records all actions of the case throughout the case lifecycle Entries include the date and time, description, and who performed it
Audit Log - Dispute Level | Review the Case Audit located in the Overview tab for a log of dispute-level actions. | Access any claim, open or closed. Click on the Overview tab. Select Audit from the Other Actions menu. Review the Case Audit for the dispute-level actions logged.
| Audit log records all dispute-level actions Entries include the date and time, description, and who performed it
Merchant Credit - Full Deny | Deny a dispute due to a merchant credit. | Access a newly created claim. Work the claim until it reaches the Collaboration stage. It will likely have a clock next to the Collaboration node indicating system processing. Click on the Collaboration stage. Select Check for Merchant Credit from the Other Actions menu. Select the credit that matches the disputed transaction. Review the letter generated to ensure it includes the appropriate verbiage per the letter package, the disputed transaction(s) is displaying accurately, and the date is correct. Click the Apply button. Click the Process Actions button.
| Users can select a credit Merchant Credit deny letter is generated with the appropriate verbiage, transaction grid, and dates.
Merchant Credit - Partial Deny | Check for Merchant Credit and select a credit that is less than your dispute amount. | Access a newly created claim. Work the claim until it reaches the Collaboration stage. It will likely have a clock next to the Collaboration node indicating system processing. Click on the Collaboration stage. Select Check for Merchant Credit from the Other Actions menu. Select the partial credit that matches the disputed transaction. Review the letter generated to ensure it includes the appropriate verbiage per the letter package, the disputed transaction(s) is displaying accurately, and the date is correct. Click the Apply button. Click the Process Actions button.
| Users can select a credit Partial Merchant Credit deny letter is generated with the appropriate verbiage, transaction grid, and dates Remaining Recovery Amount is updated.
Withdraw - Dispute in Recovery | As an intake user, request to withdraw a case that has reached recovery. | Access an open claim and work it such that the chargeback has been submitted/recovery has been pursued. Open the claim as an intake user. Click Request case is withdrawn. Enter text in the Withdrawal Reason box. Click the Complete button. Open the claim as a back-office user. Click on the Responses stage. Click the Review Withdrawal Request button. Select Yes under "Proceed with the request?" An error message will be displayed and the request cannot be processed.
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Withdraw - Dispute not in Recovery | As an intake user, request to withdraw a case that has not yet reached recovery. | Access an open claim and work it such that the chargeback has been submitted/recovery has been pursued. Open the claim as an intake user. Click Request case is withdrawn. Enter text in the Withdrawal Reason box. Click the Complete button. Open the claim as a back-office user. Click on the Responses stage. Click the Review Withdrawal Request button. Select Yes under "Proceed with the request?" Click the Apply button. Click the Process Actions button. The claim will not resolve as withdrawn (denied).
| Error message does not present and user is able to proceed with the withdrawal request Claim is denied and the withdraw letter is generated with the appropriate verbiage, transaction grid, and dates
Interest Calculation | Use the Interest Calculation tool to calculate interest on a claim. | Access a claim that was created on a credit card or interest-bearing account. Click on the Interest stage. Click the Interest Calculation button. Enter an interest rate, start date, and end date. Click the Calculate button. Click the Apply button. Click the Process Actions button. Click the Accounting stage. Click on the disputed transaction. You will now see the details of the accounting adjustment. Confirm it reflects an adjustment for refunding the interest.
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Fees | Use the Fees tool to refund an associated fee. | Access a claim where the disputed transaction has an associated fee (NSF fee, late fee, foreign transaction fee, ATM fee, etc.) Click on the Fees stage. Click the Refund Fee button. Click on the radio button next to the charge that is associated with the fee. Click the Apply button. Click the Process Actions button. Click the Fee Maintenance stage. Confirm there's a pending service call or completed service call for the fee you've refunded.
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Actions Menu - Contact Date Override | Override the contact date in the back-office. | Access an open claim. Click the Actions button in the upper right-hand corner. Select Contact Date Override. Enter a date earlier than the oldest transaction on the claim. Click the Submit button. An error message will appear. Enter a date in the future. Click the Submit button. An error message will appear. Enter a date between the oldest transaction on the claim and today's date. Click the Submit button. Confirm the Reg E/Z dates have updated. Click on the Communication Hub in the Case Tools. Click the Send New Letter button. Select the Confirmation letter from the drop-down. Confirm the letter now shows the contact date listed in "We received a dispute from you on (new contact date)..."
| QFD prohibits a contact date prior to the oldest transaction on the claim QFD prohibits a contact date in the future Reg E/Z dates update correctly The new contact date reflects on letters
Actions Menu - Issue Provisional Credit | Provisional Credit can be issued using the Actions menu even if it has been denied earlier in the claim. | Access a newly created claim. Work the claim to Provisional Credit. Do not issue Provisional Credit. In the Provisional Credit stage, click the Deny Provisional Credit button. Enter text in the Reason for Denial box. Click the Apply button. Click the Process Actions button. Click the Actions button in the upper right-hand corner. Select Issue Provisional Credit. Click the disputed transaction for which you'd like to issue provisional credit. Click the Submit button. Click on the Audit tab and confirm QFD logged provisional credit actions including the letter. Click on the Notifications stage. Click on the Provisional Credit letter then Show Message Preview. Confirm that the letter is generated with the appropriate verbiage, transaction grid, and dates.
| Adjustment for Provisional Credit appears in the accounting hub Provisional Credit letter is generated with the appropriate verbiage, transaction grid, and dates
Actions Menu - Reclassify Case | Use the Reclassify Case functionality to reclassify a claim prior to it reaching recovery. | Access a claim that has not yet reached recovery. Click the Actions button in the upper right-hand corner. Select Reclassify Case. Select a different option under "Which of the following would you like to report?" Select an option under "Which of the following best describes the reason for your dispute?" Click the Continue button. Answer the questions on the following screen. Click the Continue button. Confirm the Claim Reason has updated.
| Users are able to reclassify claims prior to pursuing recovery Claim questionnaire is displayed and once the action is processed, the Claim Category and Claim Reason are updated
Actions Menu - Reopen | Use the Reopen functionality to reopen a closed claim. | Access a closed claim. Click the Actions button in the upper right-hand corner. Select Reopen. Enter text in the "Why are you requesting to reopen the case?" box. Select Yes under "Do you have new information that was not already provided when your dispute was initiated?" Enter text in the "Please provide specific details that were not included in your original dispute as well as any documentation that can support your claims." box. Answer No to "Would you like to issue provisional credit?" Select the charge you'd like to reopen. Click the Submit button. Review the claim status to ensure it is open.
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Actions Menu - Process Duplicate Credit | Use the Process Duplicate Credit functionality to apply merchant credit to a paid claim. | Access a claim that has been paid. Click the Actions button in the upper right-hand corner. Select Process Duplicate Credit. Select the dispute to which the credit applies. Click the Next button. Search and select the credit you'd like to apply. Confirm that the Duplicate Credit letter is generated with the appropriate verbiage, transaction grid, and dates. Click the Submit button. Access the Accounting tool in the Case tools. Confirm the most recent entry reflects a deny adjustment for loss reversal.
| Users are able to apply a merchant credit to a dispute that has already been resolved as paid Once the action is processed, Duplicate Credit letter is generated with the appropriate verbiage, transaction grid, and dates Deny dispute accounting is generated and deny adjustment appears in the accounting hub.
Actions Menu - Withdraw Paid Dispute | Use the Withdraw Paid Dispute functionality to withdraw a paid claim. | Access a claim that has been paid. Click the Actions button in the upper right-hand corner. Select Withdraw Paid Dispute. Select the dispute you'd like to withdraw. Click the Next button. Click the Notifications stage. Click on the Withdrawn with Final Credit letter. Click Show Message Preview. Confirm that the letter is generated with the appropriate verbiage, transaction grid, and dates. Access the Accounting tool in the Case tools. Confirm the most recent entry reflects a deny adjustment for loss reversal.
| Users are able to deny a dispute that has already been resolved as paid Once the action is processed, Withdrawn letter is generated with the appropriate verbiage, transaction grid, and dates Deny dispute accounting is generated and deny adjustment appears in the accounting hub.