American Express Record Retrieval Request Response


When the response to the Retrieval Request is received, this assignment is generated and prompts a user to process information regarding the response.


Record Retrieval Request Response

This primary flow action prompts the user to record information regarding the response to the retrieval request. The system asks the user to record the response date, the fulfillment reason code, attesting as to if the fulfillment was legible and complete, and instructing the user to attach related documents to the case.

The following fulfillment reason codes are available to the user:

  • 2007 - Per Local Regulation, Proof of Government ID Validation Cannot be Provided
  • 6300 - Documentation Being Provided/To Follow
  • 6301 - Invalid Acquirer Reference Number
  • 6302 - Not Fulfilling
  • 6303 - Credit Previously Issued
  • 6305 - ATM Journal Roll Provided

Check for Merchant Credit

This optional flow action is available via the Other Actions menu.  See Merchant Credits for details.

Work QueueRecord Retrieval Request Response
Work Group
