Withdraw Case Filing

Withdraw Case Filing


When RTSI is disabled and the Visa Withdraw Case Filing is executed, this assignment is generated and prompts a user to complete the withdrawal action in Visa Resolve Online (VROL).


Execute Manual Withdrawal

The user is instructed to execute the withdrawal activity in VROL.

Work Queue
Work Group


The Withdraw Case Filing assignment is generated when RTSI is disabled and the agent needs to manually withdraw the case in VROL. This assignment is only for Visa disputed transactions.

How to complete the assignment

  1. Log into VROL and follow the instructions provided in QFD.
    1. Access the Case Details.
    2. Click Issuer Action the Other Dispute Actions then File Arbitration Case.
    3. Confirm that the Arbitration Filing form appears and is pre-filled with information about the dispute and pre-arbitration.
    4. Click the Continue button.
    5. Complete all required fields and attach any necessary documentation to the Arbitration Filing screen.
    6. Click the Submit button.
  2. Return to QFD once the necessary actions have been completed in VROL.
  3. Click the Other Actions button (ellipses).
  4. Select the Withdraw Case Filing option.
  5. Answer the question “Are you sure you want to withdraw this case? By proceeding, you are accepting full liability for the amount that was filed.  This action cannot be reversed.” with a Yes or No
    1. If Yes is selected, answer the following “Why are you withdrawing the case?”
    2. If No is selected, you will be prompted to cancel the action before proceeding.

  6. Click the Apply button.
  7. Click the Process Actions button.