2nd Chargeback
Geordie Connell
Description | While a response is awaited from the acquirer in the Pending Alt Network 2nd Chargeback Response flow, this assignment is displayed. |
Details |
Response ReceivedThis primary flow action prompts the user to record the response received from the acquirer.
If the response is "Accepted Full", Pre-arbitration accounting is executed and the dispute is resolved as paid. If the response is "Accepted Partial", Pre-arbitration accounting is executed and the Pre-Arbitration Response Review flow is executed. If the response is "Declined", the Pre-Arbitration Response Review flow is executed. No Response ReceivedThis optional flow action is available via the Other Actions menu and will simulate the response time-frame expiring. The system will automatically execute this flow action when the SLA deadline is reached. When executed, it is assumed that the pre-arbitration request is Accepted Full and resolves the dispute as paid.
SLA | Goal: 45 Days Deadline: 45 Days |
Work Queue | PendingAltNetwork2ndChargebackResponse |
Work Group | Pending |