
2nd Chargeback


While a response is awaited from the acquirer in the Pending Alt Network 2nd Chargeback Response flow, this assignment is displayed.


Response Received

This primary flow action prompts the user to record the response received from the acquirer.  

  • Accepted Full
  • Accepted Partial
  • Declined

If the response is "Accepted Full", Pre-arbitration accounting is executed and the dispute is resolved as paid.

If the response is "Accepted Partial", Pre-arbitration accounting is executed and the Pre-Arbitration Response Review flow is executed.

If the response is "Declined", the Pre-Arbitration Response Review flow is executed.

No Response Received

This optional flow action is available via the Other Actions menu and will simulate the response time-frame expiring.  The system will automatically execute this flow action when the SLA deadline is reached.  When executed, it is assumed that the pre-arbitration request is Accepted Full and resolves the dispute as paid.


Goal: 45 Days

Deadline: 45 Days

Work QueuePendingAltNetwork2ndChargebackResponse
Work Group
