Amex Review Second Presentment

Amex Review Second Presentment


When an American Express dispute is declined or partially accepted via a Second Presentment being received from the by the acquirer in Review Second Presentment, this assignment is generated and prompts the user to review the response and take action accordingly.


Review Dispute Response

This primary flow action displays the dispute response details to the user and prompts them to take one of the following issuer actions.

  • Accept Full
  • Accept Partial
  • Decline

When full or partial liability is accepted, the user is prompted to complete the Final Investigation Flow for the amount accepted.

When liability is declined or partially accepted, the user is prompted to choose from initiating a Final Chargeback or Good Faith.  Depending on the option selected the subsequent questions will be different.


This optional flow action is available from the Other Actions menu.  When completed it will pend the case as requested.  This can be used if based on the information received from the acquirer needed to be reviewed by the cardholder.  See Pend for additional details on the pend flow.


Goal: 40 Days from Second Presentment Received Date

Deadline: 45 Days from Second Presentment Received Date

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