Review First Party Trust Reject

Review First Party Trust Reject


When a dispute is rejected by the network with a 5002 reason, this assignment is generated and prompts the user to resolve any issues and, if applicable, re-submit the dispute.


When a dispute is rejected by the network with a 5002 reason, this assignment is generated and prompts the user to resolve any issues and, if applicable, re-submit the dispute.


Review First Party Trust Reject

The primary flow action prompts the user to review the chargeback details. To submit the chargeback, again, users can either obtain the signed and notarized First Party Trust Affidavit or submit the Attestation form to their chargeback compliance authority for their sign-off.




Pend Compelling Evidence Review

This option allows the user to send the First Party Trust Additional Information letter including the First Party Trust affidavit. The completion of this document is required in order to resubmit the chargeback. This action will pend the dispute for 10 calendar days.


Pursue Chargeback

When the completed affidavit has been obtained, users can select the Pursue Chargeback option to continue recovery. Use the Include document(s) link to attach the completed affidavit.

Check the box and include an explanation in the freeform field. Click “Apply” and “Process Actions.”

To generate the Attestation form in lieu of the signed and notarized affidavit, click on Generate Attestation Form. Refresh the Attachments section, then download the form for signature. One the signed document is received, upload it to the case, then attach to the chargeback for submission.

Process Liability

The Process Liability workflow enables the user to write off or deny the dispute.

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