Visa Review Arbitration Response

When Visa issues a ruling in the Visa Arbitration Response flow, this flow is executed.  A Review Arbitration assignment is generated to prompt a user to review the ruling letter provided by the association and translate the ruling.

Review Arbitration

This primary flow action will prompt the user to review the association ruling and record it.  If RTSI is enabled and a ruling was received via the service, a ruling may be pre-selected.  The user should review the ruling letter and validate that the ruling was captured correctly.  If RTSI is not enabled, the user will need to retrieve the letter, and any additional details, from Visa Resolve Online (VROL).

If the ruling is split, the user will be prompted to complete the Final Investigation and the Visa Arbitration Split Ruling flow is executed.

If the ruling is in favor of the acquirer, the user will be prompted to complete the Final Investigation and the Visa Arbitration Lost flow is executed.

The ruling will be recorded in the Recovery Action History.

