American Express Execute Chargeback

American Express Execute Chargeback

When a dispute enters the American Express Execute Chargeback flow it will kick off the Fraud Reporting flow for fraud disputes; non-fraud disputes will skip fraud reporting.  Fraud reporting is required to be completed before a chargeback can be submitted and will happen in flow prior to the chargeback being submitted.  Once American Express has accepted the fraud reporting the system will move forward in the execute chargeback flow.  When fraud reporting is rejected it will move to review recovery rights where the dispute can be re-initiated with another fraud reporting reason.  QFD supports both automated recovery and manual recovery.  Depending on how the client is configured it will route one of the two paths.  When recovery is automated the dispute will move to execute the create chargeback service.  When the create chargeback service fails the Create Chargeback Service Failed assignment is created for user review.
