Case Filing Detail Service Failed
Case Filing Detail Service Failed
Stage | Execute |
Node | Recovery |
When the Visa Case Filing Status service fails, this assignment prompts an analyst to retry the service or cancel the flow to manually record the arbitration ruling. This assignment is also seen as Case Filing Service Failed.
How to complete the Case Filing Detail Service Failed assignment
To retry the flow, click the Retry Service Call button.
- Review the submission failure notes.
- If the case has already been submitted, search the ARN in QFD's search bar to find the duplicate dispute on another claim. Once the duplicate dispute is located, determine which dispute to deny due to the duplicate.
- If the case has already been submitted, search the ARN in QFD's search bar to find the duplicate dispute on another claim. Once the duplicate dispute is located, determine which dispute to deny due to the duplicate.
- Click the Apply button.
- Click the Process Actions button.
If the assignment loops, cancel the process to manually enter the arbitration ruling.
- Select Cancel from the Other Actions menu.
- The dispute will now have the Execute Arbitration Service Failed assignment.