Failed Travel Merchant 4853
Failed Travel Merchant 4853
Intra-EEA and Domestic European Transactions Only
For Intra-EEA and domestic European Transactions, when the cardholder contacted the issuer claiming a travel service has not, or will not, be provided, and when the merchant is seeking protection from creditors, insolvent, bankrupt or in liquidation, at least one of the following conditions must be met:
- The travel service was covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local law,
and one of the following:- The cardholder (or traveler) requested reimbursement from the bonding authority or similar
scheme and did not receive it, or the claim was declined. - For Swedish Domestic Transactions: no additional requirement. The cardholder (or traveler) is not obligated to request reimbursement from a bonding authority or similar scheme prior to the issuer raising a chargeback. The cardholder (or traveler) does not need to request reimbursement from the bonding authority or similar scheme if the merchant, bonding authority or similar scheme publicly states that the bond is insufficient prior to the chargeback.
- The cardholder (or traveler) requested reimbursement from the bonding authority or similar
- The travel service was not covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local law, or neither the issuer nor the cardholder after reasonable effort can determine whether the travel service was covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local law.
A cardholder letter, email, message, or completed Dispute Resolution Form describing the cardholder’s complaint in sufficient detail to enable all parties to understand the dispute.