Chip Liability Shift


All of the following:

  • The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming that the cardholder did not authorize the transaction.
  • Both the issuer and the acquirer are located in a country or region participating in a domestic, intraregional, or interregional chip liability shift as shown in the Chip Liability Shift Participation table (earlier in this section).
  • One of the following:
    • A fraudulent transaction resulted from the use of a counterfeit card at a non-hybrid terminal
    • A fraudulent transaction occurred at a hybrid terminal but DE 55 was not present in the Authorization Request/0100 or Financial Transaction Request/0200 message
  • The validly-issued card was an EMV chip card.
  • The transaction was reported to SAFE as counterfeit in accordance with the SAFE Products User Guide prior to processing the chargeback.


Related Questionnaires

Fraud Questionnaire