Goods or Services Not Provided
Goods or Services Not Provided
One of the following:
- The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming both of the following:
- The cardholder engaged in the transaction.
- The purchased goods or services were not received.
- Travel services arranged through an online travel agency or tour operator were not received and
the travel agency or tour operator is no longer in business.
22.1 Mandate
Travel/Entertainment Services Not Provided/Not as Described and Merchant Voucher Issued
Both of the following:
- The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming all of the following:
- The cardholder engaged in the transaction
- The purchased goods or services were not received due to merchant
cancellation - The merchant provided a voucher for future use in lieu of a refund and that provision of voucher was properly disclosed in the merchant’s terms and conditions
- The merchant is unable or unwilling to honor the voucher in violation of the voucher terms and conditions
- The transaction was identified with one of the following MCCs:
- Airlines and Air Carrier (MCCs 3000 through 3350, 4511)
- Car Rental Agencies (MCCs 3351 through 3500, 7512)
- Cruise Lines (MCC 4411)
- Lodging-Hotels, Motels, Resorts (MCCs 3501 through 3999, 7011)
- Motor Home and Recreational Vehicle Rental (MCC 7519)
- Real Estate Agents and Managers—Rentals (MCC 6513)
- Theatrical Producers, Ticket Agencies (excluding Motion Picture) (MCC 7922)
- Travel Agencies and Tour Operators (MCC 4722)
Time Limit
- In cases involving delayed delivery of goods or services and the delivery or performance date was not specified by the merchant: The issuer must wait 30-calendar days from the transaction date before submitting a chargeback and not to exceed 120-calendar days from the transaction settlement date. However, the issuer may charge back the transaction immediately (and not wait the 30-calendar days) upon learning the merchant will not provide the goods or services because, for example, for the merchant is no longer in business.
- In cases involving delayed delivery of goods or services and the delivery or performance date was specified by the merchant and the latest anticipated delivery or performance date was specified by the merchant has passed: Within 120-calendar days of the latest anticipated delivery or performance date specified by the merchant. However, the issuer may charge back the transaction immediately (and not wait until the latest anticipated delivery or performance date has passed) upon learning the merchant will not provide the goods or services because, for example, for the merchant is no longer in business.
- In cases involving interruption of ongoing services: Within 120-calendar days of the date the cardholder becomes aware that the service ceased. A chargeback must not be processed after 540-calendar days from the Central Site Business Date of the first presentment.
22.1 Mandate
- In cases involving the purchase of a merchant-branded prepaid gift card without an expiration date printed on the card and that merchant subsequently goes out of business:
For transactions completed using a card issued in either Canada, the United States, or one of the U.S. Territories at a merchant located in either Canada, the United States, or one of the U.S. Territories: Within 120-calendar days of the Central Site Business Date of the first presentment.
For all other transaction: Within 540-calendar days from the Central Site Business Date of the first presentment.
- In cases involving the purchase of a merchant-branded prepaid gift card with an expiration date printed on the card and that merchant subsequently goes out of business: Within 120-calendar days from the expiration date printed on the card. • In all other cases: Within 120-calendar days from the transaction settlement date.
Travel/Entertainment Services Not Provided/Not as Described and Merchant Voucher Issued
Both of the following:
- Within 120-calendar days from the latest anticipated delivery or performance date specified by the merchant. For cases involving merchant-provided vouchers for future use, the voucher expiration date is considered the latest anticipated delivery or performance date specified by the merchant.
- Within 365-calendar days from the original expected delivery or performance date specified by the merchant.
- A cardholder letter, email, message, or completed Dispute Resolution Form describing the cardholder’s complaint in sufficient detail to enable all parties to understand the dispute.
- Documentation from an expert or professional that supports the cardholder’s dispute about the level of quality or misrepresentation (Optional)
- Documentation that supports the cardholder’s dispute including, but not limited to, the original receipt, invoice, work order, brochure, contract, or appraisal (Optional)
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Merchandise or Service Not Received | Mastercard
This chargeback applies when the cardholder receives an empty box or a box containing worthless items, such as a brick or a stack of paper.
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