Cancelled Recurring Transaction

Cancelled Recurring Transaction


Valid for Chargebacks that involve the same Card Number and the same Merchant billed to the Account and (one of the following):

  • After the date that the Recurring Payments Plan expired.
  • the Cardholder canceled the Recurring Payments Plan or withdrew permission to charge the Card Account as part of a Recurring Payments Plan, provided that the Recurring Payments Plan does not require the Cardholder to pay the amount(s) subject to Dispute. The Dispute amount must be for the full Card Transaction Amount.  Additional Recurring Payments Plan installments that also are subject to Dispute must be for the full amount of the installment for the unused portion of the service and the same type of Card Transaction.


An Issuer or Issuer Processor may initiate a Chargeback within the following timelines as applicable:

  • If a Transaction Retrieval Request (TRR) is submitted, a Chargeback must be initiated between 60 calendar days of the TRR initiation date and 30 calendar days of the close date of such TRR.
  • If there is no TRR, the Chargeback must be initiated within 120 calendar days of the Processing date of the Card Transaction.

The Issuer or Issuer Processor must wait 15 calendar days from the date of cancellation by the Cardholder of services before initiating the Dispute.


The Cardholder must first attempt to resolve the claim directly with the Merchant. Only after the Issuer or Issuer Processor confirms that the Cardholder was unsuccessful in resolving the claim directly with the Merchant may the Issuer or Issuer Processor initiate a Chargeback.


The cancellation date of the Recurring Payments Plan must have been at least 15 calendar days prior to the date when the most recent Disputed Card Transaction was charged to the Account.

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