QFD 23.03.230330.2

Version QFD 23.03.230330.2
Release Date 03/31/23
Description Hotfix

Release Notes

Category Summary Description Labels Acceptance Criteria Release Notes Documentation Link Story ID
Enhancement SSO Initial User Setup - Assignment Group Mapping

Branch is in Unauthenticated App

Currently, assignment group mapping does not happen when a new user logs in via SSO.  On their first login, and only first login, the Assignment group mappings should be added to the user.  If they already have assignment groups, then no updates should happen.

  1. When a user logs in via SSO and is created via a model operator, if it is the user's first time logging in/they do not have any assignment groups on their operator, then the assignment group definition from the model should be copied over to them.

When users are first created the assignment groups will be pulled from the model operator.

Compatibility Claim/List and Transaction/List API Update

Currently, the Claim/List API accepts CustomerId as an input parameter.  The API returns an error of "Invalid CustomerId" if a customer is not able to be found using the D_CustomerList data page.  The problem is that not all implementations are capable of getting a list of customers from a customer id.  The D_Customer data page however will always return a customer for a passed in CustomerId.  The API should be changed to make use of the D_Customer data page.


Additionally we need to add the TotalClaimAmount to the response.

  1. The Claim/List api should be able to return a list of claims when only the CustomerId is passed in.
  2. The Claim/List api should return TotalClaimAmount for each returned claim.
  3. The Claim/List api should return IsClaimSubmitted for each returned claim.
  4. API Documentation should be updated to reflect that the totalClaimAmount isClaimSubmitted fields will be returned in the list of claims.
  5. The Transaction/List api should return the pyStatusWork value for each returned dispute as a "disputeStatus" value.
  6. API Documentation should be updated to reflect that the disputeStatus field will be returned.
  7. When a user is updated from the admin app, if a defined access group is not in the list of user maintained access groups (see D_AccessGroups results) then a standard auto complete option should be displayed.  Otherwise, only values from the dropdown values defined by D_AccessGroups should be displayed.  Note:  This AC was written because the API users have developer access, and if a user updates the security via admin portal, it was changing the access to Admin.

Updated the Claim/List API to return a list of claims for a CustomerID as a parameter. If the CustomerID is not found during the call, the API call should use the D_Customer data page to get the list of claims requested by the user.

Fix External Client Users - Non-Card Claims

As a system, External Client Users should be presented with the question "Is this an issue on your card" to file ACH, Check, Wire, or P2P  claims.  


  1. (regression) External users (account holders) are unable to file ACH claim types through self-service options.
  2. External Users can initiate all other account level claim types
    1. Check
    2. Wire
    3. P2P
  3. If an External User selects no to "Is this an issue with your card", upon selecting an ACH transaction, the user should be presented with an error that ACH is not disputable.
  4. External Client Users are always asked "Is this an issue with your card" through intake (if a non card transaction type is disputable, and the account is a deposit account).
    1. When the claim type is enabled, External Client users have the ability to initiate the following claim types:
      1. ACH
      2. Check
      3. Wire
      4. P2P

Resolved an issue where the question "Is the issue you are reporting related to a transaction made with your card?" was not displaying for external client users, due to a validation to excluded ACH being a disputable transaction type through self service options. Prior to this change, External Client Users were not unable to initiate an ACH claim on behalf of an account holder. This fix ensures that External Client Users will always see the question "Is the issue you are reporting related to a transaction made with your card?" when initiating a claim via intake. Additionally, External Users (account holders) will still not be able to dispute an ACH claim through self-service options, but do have the ability to initiate a check, wire, or P2P claim.
