QFD 23.03.230526.1

Version QFD 23.03.230526.1
Release Date 06/08/23
Description Hotfix

Release Notes

Category Summary Description Labels Acceptance Criteria Release Notes Documentation Link Story ID
Fix PC reversal language not displayed for resolved partial deny merchant credit

Current Behavior: When provisional credit has been granted to a customer and the customer is later denied from a partial merchant credit, pc reversal verbiage is not included in the denial letter.

Desired Behavior: When provisional credit has been granted to a customer and the customer is later denied from a partial merchant credit, pc reversal verbiage should be included in the denial letter. 

  1. As a user, when I deny a dispute that has provisional credit for a partial merchant credit that resolves the dispute, pc reversal language should appear in the letter.
  2. As a user, when I deny a dispute for a partial merchant credit that resolves the dispute and the dispute does not have PC, pc reversal language should not appear in the letter.
  3. As a user, when adjust a dispute that has provisional credit for a partial merchant credit the pc reversal language should appear in the letter.
  4. As a user, when I adjust a dispute for a partial merchant credit the pc reversal language should not appear in the letter.

Resolved an issue where when provisional credit was granted to an accountholder and later denied from a partial merchant credit, the provisional credit reversal verbiage was not included in the denial letter. This fix ensures that when provisional credit has been granted and the claim is later denied from a partial merchant credit, the reversal verbiage is included in the denial letter. 

Fix Review Representment Broken Process

When there are multiple pages of review representments and a user toggles to the second page of review representments it creates a broken processes an the action is not completed.

  1. A user can work multiple review representments even when spanning multiple pages and all process as expected.

Resolves a issue where working multiple review representments at once results in a dispute error and the user action is not completed.
