QFD 23.03.230714.1

Version QFD 23.03.230714.1
Release Date 07/19/23
Description Hotfix

Release Notes

Category Summary Description Labels Acceptance Criteria Release Notes Documentation Link Story ID
Enhancement Assignment Group Amount Filters Recovery

Assignment group amount filters should be based on dispute amount not on total claim amount.

  1. When viewing assignment groups for Late Recovery and Next Recovery instead of Amount, Dispute Amount is displayed for the follow tabs
    1. All Tasks
    2. Next Up
  2. When hitting Get Next Work on these assignment groups it pulls correctly.

Updated the Assignment Group amount filters to be based on dispute amount instead of total claim amount.

Assignment Groups

Compatibility API - TransactionsList Update

Currently, the TransactionsList api returns PostingDate, which is timezone agnostic.  The api should also return the full PostingDateTime.

  1. The claim/transactions/list API should return the PostingDateTime property
  2. API documentation for claim/transactions/list should be updated to reflect the new property.

Updated the TransactionsList API to return the full PostingDateTime instead of just the Posting Date.

Enhancement Return Dispute ID with /claim/transaction/list

As a system, the DisputeId value should be returned along with the existing transaction data in the Interaction API results for /claim/transaction/list.

  1. DisputeId is returned in /claim/transaction/list

Added the Dispute ID to the results for /claim/transaction/list call in the Interaction App.

Enhancement SSO Initial User Setup - Assignment Group Mapping

Branch is in Unauthenticated App

Currently, assignment group mapping does not happen when a new user logs in via SSO.  On their first login, and only first login, the Assignment group mappings should be added to the user.  If they already have assignment groups, then no updates should happen.

  1. When a user logs in via SSO and is created via a model operator, if it is the user's first time logging in/they do not have any assignment groups on their operator, then the assignment group definition from the model should be copied over to them.

When users are first created the assignment groups will be pulled from the model operator.

Compatibility Claim/List and Transaction/List API Update

Currently, the Claim/List API accepts CustomerId as an input parameter.  The API returns an error of "Invalid CustomerId" if a customer is not able to be found using the D_CustomerList data page.  The problem is that not all implementations are capable of getting a list of customers from a customer id.  The D_Customer data page however will always return a customer for a passed in CustomerId.  The API should be changed to make use of the D_Customer data page.


Additionally we need to add the TotalClaimAmount to the response.

  1. The Claim/List api should be able to return a list of claims when only the CustomerId is passed in.
  2. The Claim/List api should return TotalClaimAmount for each returned claim.
  3. The Claim/List api should return IsClaimSubmitted for each returned claim.
  4. API Documentation should be updated to reflect that the totalClaimAmount isClaimSubmitted fields will be returned in the list of claims.
  5. The Transaction/List api should return the pyStatusWork value for each returned dispute as a "disputeStatus" value.
  6. API Documentation should be updated to reflect that the disputeStatus field will be returned.
  7. When a user is updated from the admin app, if a defined access group is not in the list of user maintained access groups (see D_AccessGroups results) then a standard auto complete option should be displayed.  Otherwise, only values from the dropdown values defined by D_AccessGroups should be displayed.  Note:  This AC was written because the API users have developer access, and if a user updates the security via admin portal, it was changing the access to Admin.

Updated the Claim/List API to return a list of claims for a CustomerID as a parameter. If the CustomerID is not found during the call, the API call should use the D_Customer data page to get the list of claims requested by the user.

Fix Work Routing - Add Account Type/Fix Orphan Corr

Add Account Type to the Work Routing Operator

  1. Managers can assign users specific account types which will apply to assignment groups.
  2. When a user has defined account types on their profile only those account types are pulled when using Assignment Groups.
  3. Users with the daily maintenance assignment group should be able to work orphan correspondence assignments
  4. Orphan Correspondence assignments should display on the assignment group list of assignments under the daily maintenance category

Resolved a issue where Read New Correspondence assignments were not being pulled into daily critical.  Also enabled a additional configuration so work can be segmented by account type.

Assignment Group Management

Enhancement ATO No Transaction Letters


  1. Separate letters exist for ATO claims with no transactions:
    1. ATO Confirmation
    2. ATO Resolved   (TransactionlessClaimInvestigationCompleted is the Name of the New Letter)
  2. When an ATO claim is initiated without disputed transactions the confirmation letter matches the ATO Confirmation Letter with no transaction grid with an opening sentence of:
    1. This correspondence is to confirm that we received a dispute from you on <DATE>.
  3. When an ATO claim with no transactions is filed, the Research Case assignment has a checkbox option that states:
    1. I have completed the investigation for this case.
  4. Claim resolution is set to Resolved - InvestigationComplete
  5. The ATO Resolution letter is generated (new letter) 
    1. <greeting>
    2. We have completed our investigation of your claim that the above referenced account.
    3. This notice serves as final resolution of your dispute.
    4. We recommend that you contact the three major consumer reporting agencies listed below to inform them of the identify theft. 
    5. Equifax Experian Transunion
      Consumer Fraud Division        
      Phone: 800-525-6285
      Fax: 770-375-2821
      P.O. Box 740256
      Atlanta, GA 30348
      National Consumer Assistance        
      Phone: 888-397-3742
      P.O. Box 9554
      Allen, TX 75013
      Fraud Victim Assistance        
      Phone: 800-680-7289
      Fax: 714-447-6034
      P.O. Box 2000
      Chester, PA 19016-2000
    1. You may also report your identity theft concerns to the Federal Trade Commission by going to www.identitytheft.gov. If you have not done so already, we also recommend you obtain a free annual copy of your credit report by going to www.annualcreditreport.com.


Updated the ATO claims flow when no transactions are in dispute. Currently, users are required to make a pay or deny decision and the letters reference a claim amount of $0.00. This fix ensures that transactionless ATO claims have a specific confirmation and resolution letter. Additionally, users are no longer required to make a pay or deny decision, but can resolve the claim with a status of Resolved-InvestigationComplete.  

ATO No Transactions Confirmation Letter

ATO Trasactionless Investigation Completed


Enhancement Deprecating declare expression DateCBRightsExpire

As a system, the .DateCBRightsExpire declare expression should only recalculate at key points throughout the dispute to ensure claims with large disputes are not impacted.

  1. When the dispute enters disposition, the DateCBRightsExpire is correctly recalculated.
  2. When the user changes the claim reason, the DateCBRightsExpire is correctly recalculated.
  3. When the user changes the recovery option, the DateCBRightsExpire is correctly recalculated.
  4. When the case is reopened (Denied or Paid), the DateCBRightsExpire is correctly recalculated.
  5. When the user updates the acquirer network, the DateCBRightsExpire is correctly recalculated.

Updated the Date Chargeback Rights Expire declare index to only recalculate the date when the dispute enters disposition, the user changes the claim reason, user changes the recovery option, the case is reopened (Denied or Paid), or the user updates the acquirer network.

Fix Reclassified Claim's Workbasket did not adjust

When a claim was reclassified from non-fraud to fraud all assignments should be reclassified to fraud so fraud users can work the assignments. 

  1. When a claim is reclassified from non-fraud to fraud all existing assignments on the case should be transferred to a fraud workgroup.
  2. When a claim is reclassified from fraud to non-fraud all existing assignments on the case should be transferred to a non-fraud workgroup

Resolved an issue where when a claim was reclassified from fraud to non=fraud the claim assignments were not updated to a non-fraud workgroup. This fix ensures that when a claim is reclassified from non-fraud to fraud or fraud to non-fraud, the remaining claim assignments are transferred to the correct workgroup.

Compatibility Fiserv DNA - Translate Transaction Type

As a system, Fiserv DNA rule set should support Money Market Accounts. 

  1. Fiserv DNA transaction translation is available for client integration to overwrite.

Allows clients who are on Fiserv DNA to customize the Translate Transaction Type table.
