QFD 23.03.230829.3

Version QFD 23.03.230829.3
Release Date 09/07/23
Description Hotfix

Release Notes

Category Summary Description Labels Acceptance Criteria Release Notes Documentation Link Story ID
Fix Representment and Representment Doc Mastercom Downtime Handling

Issue:  In the Mastercard Pend Doc Flow post getting a representment, we call MC Claim to get the status of the representment docs.  When that call fails it is possible for the claim to be routed into Review Representment without recording the recovery action.

  1. When resuming cases in the below flows, the system will route into a new flow to confirm the Mastercom API is available prior to continue flow processing.
    1. MC Pending Chargeback Response (Pending first chargeback response.)
    2. MC Check Chargeback Doc (Post Receipt of Representment)
  2. When entering the validate connectivity flow the system will check if we have a mastercom claim id and clearing data.  When both are true it will continue into the flow otherwise it will exit.
  3. When validating MC connectivity the system will retry the connectivity check every 12 hours for 24 hours.
  4. When connectivity cannot be established after the defined time period it will route to user review in the "Failed to Connect With Mastercard" assignment.
    1. When working the "Failed to Connect With Mastercard" assignment the user has the ability to retry the connectivity check.
    2. Option for cancelling "Failed to Connect With Mastercard" is limited to developers
  5. When calling Mastercard to get details, store the following fields for internal reporting:
    1. queueName
    2. caseFilingStatus
    3. caseId
    4. dueDate
    5. caseFilingDetails
      1. caseId
      2. reasonCode
      3. status
      4. amount
      5. currency
    6. caseFilingRespHistory
      1. memo
      2. action
      3. responseDate
    7. chargebackDetails
      1. amount
      2. currency
      3. chargebackId
      4. createDate
      5. documentStatus
      6. documentIndicator
      7. reasonCode
      8. chargebackType
  6. The system is able to handle the 3 different error formats that can be passed by mastercard.
  7. Option for cancelling "Failed to Connect With Mastercard" is limited to developers

Added error handling for mastercom downtime.

Validate Mastercard Connectivity

Mastercard Dispute Response

MC Retrieve Chargeback Documents
