QFD 23.03.230810.1

Version QFD 23.03.230810.1
Release Date 09/07/23
Description Hotfix

Release Notes

Category Summary Description Labels Acceptance Criteria Release Notes Documentation Link Story ID
Fix External Status - Attach File Failures

Summary: When attaching a required/requested document from the external status widget, upon submit, the page errors.

Environment Specifics:

  • Url: Oberon
  • Claim Info: 2307130007C

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a claim that requires a statement of fraud in order to grant pc
  2. Launch the status widget from GetCaseURL
  3. Attach a file
  4. Complete the screen

Expected Result: The file attaches

Actual Result: The file is not attaching and it is throwing an error screen.

Additional Info such as screenshots, error logs, etc.:

  1. Upon completing the attachment screen from the status widget (from GetCaseURL) the attached document should persist to the claim.
  2. (regression) When an external user uploads a document through the external case status widget, the document visibility is set to Customer.
    1. Once BO reviews the document, the document is visible for external users, contact center users, and BO users from the External Case status widget (through postman) 
  3. (regression) When an external client user/intake user/enhanced intake user uploads a document through the external case status widget, the document visibility is set to Contact Center.
    1. Once BO reviews the document, the document is visible for external client users/Intake users/enhanced intake users and fulfilment users from the External Case status widget (through postman) 
  4. (regression) When a back office user sets document visibility to customer the document should be visible through External Case Status Widget for all users who can view Customer visibility
  5. (regression) When a back office user sets document visibility to Contact Center the document should be visible through External Case Status Widget for all users who can view Contact Center visibility
  6. (regression) When a back office user sets document visibility to Fulfillment the document should be visible through External Case Status Widget for all users who can view Fulfillment visibility

Resolved an issue where documents uploaded via the External Case Status widget did not persist to the claim.

Fix Other Actions Disappearing

Summary: When an action is taken from the Other Actions menu options through the External Case Status, after the action is completed the Other Actions menu disappears. Users are forced to refresh or go back for the menu to appear.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Take and complete Other Action (like add a note)
  2. Click another menu option
  3. Observe that menu disappears
  1. When a user completes an action from the External Case Status Widget and attempts to click on another menu option, the Other Action Menu appears as expected. 

Resolved an issue where the Actions menu in External Case Status would disappear after processing an action and then attempting a subsequent action.

Fix Transaction Details - External Case Status

When using the External Case Status Widget and viewing the Transaction Details, after clicking on "Submit" the transaction grid disappears.

  1. When using the External Case Status Widget and viewing the transaction details, the Cancel/Submit options should not be displayed.
  2. When users click Exit the transaction grid should appear as expected. 
  3. (regression) Cancel/Submit is visible on any existing screens that utilize it.

Resolved an issue where when a user reviewed transaction details from the External Case Status widget and closed out of the modal the transaction grid would disappear.

Enhancement External Case Status - Action Confirmation

As a user, when I take an action in the External Case Status Widget, a visual notification should confirm that the action was completed.

  1. Add a Note
    1. "The Action Add a Note has been processed and submitted for our team to review. Thank you!"
  2. Upload a New File
    1. "The attachment(s) has been received. The attachment(s) will be visible once the team has reviewed. Thank you!"
  3. Request case is withdrawn
    1. "The action 'Request case is Withdrawn' has been processed and submitted to our team to review. Thank you!"
  4. When a user attempts to upload an attachment from the back office and the document name is already an existing attachment a message is displayed to the user indicating the document name is already in use. 
  5. When a user attempts to upload an attachment from the External Case Status Widget to satisfy a required piece of documentation and the document name is already an existing attachment a message is displayed to the user indicating the document name is already in use.

Added additional user notifications to External Case Status to confirm actions taken by user.  Additionally, validations and notifications were added to ensure that the same file (based on filename) cannot be attached to the same claim more than once.

Enhancement External Case Status Feedback

As a system, the external case status widget should reflect additional feedback provided.

  1. In the claim level overview grid, add the Written Confirmation field
  2. Change the order of recovery details to be newest first
  3. Fix transaction date format in grids to read as mm/dd/yyyy

Added additional enhancements to the External Case Status Widget based on feedback. Added the "Written Confirmation Received field to the Claim Level view, updated date formats on the table views, and reordered Recovery History to display users the most recent recovery attempt.

Enhancement External Case Status - Denial Details

As a system, dispute denial reason should appear in the dispute grid of the external case status widget's Dispute level view. 

  1. Deny Reason is an available field from the Dispute transaction grid. (not default)
  2. When a case has been denied, the Denial Reason field has a populated value that is displayed to users in the External Case Status Widget
  3. (regression) When a dispute has been reopened the Deny Reason field should be blank.

Added the Deny Reason as an optional field in the transaction grid in the External Case Status widget. 
