QFD 23.03.230803.1

Version QFD 23.03.230803.1
Release Date 09/07/23
Description Hotfix

Release Notes

Category Summary Description Labels Acceptance Criteria Release Notes Documentation Link Story ID
Fix Chargeback and Representment Currency

When a Mastercard case is being resumed and the chargeback and representment currency is not the same, it should route to be reviewed by a user.

  1. When chargeback and representment currency is not the same the system should not attempt to perform math and should route to the a assignment for review. (MCChargebackResponseReceivedDifferentCurrencies flow) (Add Assignment Name)
  2. When chargeback and representment currency are the same the system will sort the chagreback list and compare the chargeback amount and representment amount to determine if the representment was partial accepted.
  3. When a user manually resumes the pending acquirer response assignment the system will not route into the flow to check for representment documents.
  4. When the system resumes the pending acquirer response assignment the system will route into the flow to check for representment documents.
  5. Amount checks and valid chargeback checks in Mastercom will be performed before creating a new Chargeback document.

Resolved two issues on how full/partial representment was determined and the amount is calculated.  The first issue is related to when there are different currencies between QFD for recovery amount, chargeback amount and currency, and representment amount and currency.  This primarily impacted non-us based QFD clients.  The second issues is related to where the first chargeback was rejected and later pursued with a adjusted dispute amount.  

Fix Mastercard Chargeback Outage Handling

When Mastercard is down and the chargeback fails it is actually sometimes successful.  The system needs to be able to evaluate the mastercom claim post a failure to determine what if it was a true failure. 

  1. The Mastercard chargeback amount is determined by calling Mastercard to get the appropriate amount/currency.
    1. Load data from chargeback
    2. If a successful chargeback is already on MC Claim, that amount should be used
      1. If a chargeback is successful in MC Claim before chargeback submission, do not resubmit a chargeback for the same amount. Treat this as a success.
  2. When the Mastercard chargeback is successful the system should call Mastercard to verify the document status.
    1. If the document was attached successfully, continues through the flow as success
    2. If the document was not attached QFD will route into the flow to reupload the document.
  3. When the Mastercard chargeback fails it will call Mastercard to confirm if the the chargeback did infact fail.
      1. If there is no chargeback in the list it routes as a failure.
      2. If the most recent chargeback in the list has a reject reason code it routes to failure.
      3. If the chargeback was successful it will evaluate the document status/amounts and move it ahead in the workflow as chargeback accepted or into the update document flow.
  4. When Mastercard chargeback call is made, integration details does not log a message when trying to strip the documents from the request/response.

This story resolves a issues around Mastercard downtime when the first chargeback fails.  Additional logic has been added to call Mastercard to determine if during down time the chargeback was successful and if it was move it ahead in the workflow.  

Fix Representment and Representment Doc Mastercom Downtime Handling

Issue:  In the Mastercard Pend Doc Flow post getting a representment, we call MC Claim to get the status of the representment docs.  When that call fails it is possible for the claim to be routed into Review Representment without recording the recovery action.

  1. When resuming cases in the below flows, the system will route into a new flow to confirm the Mastercom API is available prior to continue flow processing.
    1. MC Pending Chargeback Response (Pending first chargeback response.)
    2. MC Check Chargeback Doc (Post Receipt of Representment)
  2. When entering the validate connectivity flow the system will check if we have a mastercom claim id and clearing data.  When both are true it will continue into the flow otherwise it will exit.
  3. When validating MC connectivity the system will retry the connectivity check every 12 hours for 24 hours.
  4. When connectivity cannot be established after the defined time period it will route to user review in the "Failed to Connect With Mastercard" assignment.
    1. When working the "Failed to Connect With Mastercard" assignment the user has the ability to retry the connectivity check.
    2. Option for cancelling "Failed to Connect With Mastercard" is limited to developers
  5. When calling Mastercard to get details, store the following fields for internal reporting:
    1. queueName
    2. caseFilingStatus
    3. caseId
    4. dueDate
    5. caseFilingDetails
      1. caseId
      2. reasonCode
      3. status
      4. amount
      5. currency
    6. caseFilingRespHistory
      1. memo
      2. action
      3. responseDate
    7. chargebackDetails
      1. amount
      2. currency
      3. chargebackId
      4. createDate
      5. documentStatus
      6. documentIndicator
      7. reasonCode
      8. chargebackType
  6. The system is able to handle the 3 different error formats that can be passed by mastercard.
  7. Option for cancelling "Failed to Connect With Mastercard" is limited to developers

Added error handling for mastercom downtime.

Validate Mastercard Connectivity

Mastercard Dispute Response

MC Retrieve Chargeback Documents

Fix Reject 5000 Pend Time

The system is currently pending for 20 days but MC is still rejecting after the 20 days.  It needs to pend a additional day.

  1. When the Mastercard chargeback is rejected for reason code 5000 it will route into the merchant credit check flow for 21 days.  Once the 21 days have been exhausted it will resume to attempt to submit the chargeback.

Increased the pend time in the merchant credit flow for when mastercard rejects for reason 5000 which means merchant credit.  The system was pending 20 days and disputes were resumed too early causing a CBK reject.  Increased the pend time to 21 days.
