QFD 23.03.230406.1

Version QFD 23.03.230406.1
Release Date 04/06/23
Description Hotfix

Release Notes

Category Summary Description Labels Acceptance Criteria Release Notes Documentation Link Story ID
Fix Quoted Rate Validation when not Required

Issue: When a user initially says Yes to the question "Was the "no-show" charge different that the quoted rate?" and the quoted rate question populates, then the user changes the answer to "No" so the quoted rate question is no longer displayed/required, when the claim reaches disposition, users are receiving an error "Quoted rate cannot be negative value" even though the quoted rate is not a required or displayed question. 

  1. When a user selects "Yes" to the question " Was the "no-show" charge different than the quoted rate" during intake and later changes the answer to no, when the case gets to disposition and the user must pursue recovery, the error message "Quoted rate cannot be a negative value" does not appear.
  2. When a back office user updates the questionnaire and selects "Yes"  to the question " Was the "no-show" charge different than the quoted rate" during intake and later changes the answer to no and saves the questionnaire, the quoted rate question is not required to pursue recovery and no error message is displayed.

Resolved an issue where if a user during intake or a back office user answered "Yes" to the question " Was the "no-show" charge different than the quoted rate" then changed the answer to "No", the validation to ensure that the no-show rate was greater than zero was required to complete the chargeback even though the user updated the question to state the "no show" rate was not different than the quoted amount. This fix ensures that when a user backtracks on a questionnaire and exposes the Quoted rate validation it will not be a required field when pursuing the chargeback.  

Fix Reclassified Claim no longer holds original intake information

As a system, when a claim is reclassified the initial questionnaire utilized during intake should still be available for users to view. 

  1. When a claim is reclassified users can access the original questionnaire in the Dispute Reason and Claim and Dispute node.
  2. The reclassified questionnaire is displayed on the Questionnaire tab in each node.
  3. When a claim has been reclassified and the user closes out of the claim, the Dispute Reason and Claim and Dispute node retain the original questionnaire.
  4. When a claim that was previously reclassified is reclassified again, the Dispute Reason and Claim and Dispute Details Node contain the original questionnaire, the Questionnaire tab holds the most recent questionnaire.

Resolved an issue where when a user reclassified a claim, the original claim details were not retained in the Claim and Dispute Details step. This fix ensures that the original questionnaire is always retained in the Claim and Dispute Details step and the Questionnaire tab always displays the most current questionnaire.

