QFD 23.03.230320.1

Version QFD 23.03.230320.1
Release Date 04/06/23
Description Hotfix

Release Notes

Category Summary Description Labels Acceptance Criteria Release Notes Documentation Link Story ID
Compatibility Set Flags for Resolved-Paid Denials

When a dispute is processed through any of the workflows that deny resolved-paid cases a flag is set and reopen details are captured.


  1. When the below actions are completed on a resolved-paid dispute the below properties are set.
    1. Withdrawn Paid Dispute
      1. Property Sets
        1. IsWithdrawnPaidDispute
        2. WithdrawnPaidDisputeDateTime
        3. DenyPaidDisputeDateTime 
    2. Process Duplicate Credit
      1. Property Sets
        1. IsProcessDuplicateCredit
        2. ProcessDuplicateCreditDataTime
        3. DenyPaidDisputeDateTime 
    3. Post Resolve Merchant Credit
      1. Property Sets
        1. IsPostResolveMerchantCredit
        2. PostResolveMerchantCreditDataTime
        3. DenyPaidDisputeDateTime 
    4. When Rule
      1. IsLastReopenActionDenyPaidDispute
        1. (If LastReopenDateTime is null  AND (DenyPaidDisputeDateTime has a value) OR  
        2. (If LastReopenDateTime has a value  AND (DenyPaidDisputeDateTime, has a value) AND LastReopenDateTime < DenyPaidDisputeDateTime.

Setting flags to determine when these actions are taking place.
