QFD 23.03.230630.1

Version QFD 23.03.230630.1
Release Date 07/26/23
Description Hotfix

Release Notes

Category Summary Description Labels Acceptance Criteria Release Notes Documentation Link Story ID
Fix Accounting StepList Merge Issue

AS a system, users should be able to perform the Execute Accounting assignment successfully without the assignment looping. 

  1. User is able to complete the Execute Accounting assignment. 

Resolved an issue where the Execute Accounting assignment was looping once a user processed the action due to a property being overwritten when a page merge occurred. 

Enhancement CB Reject Activity - Reject Flow

As an analyst, I should have table that includes a record for each chargeback that is rejected in the system.

  1. When a chargeback is rejected, an event is created
  2. When an event is created, the following details are included
    1. Tenant ID
    2. Client ID
    3. Claim ID
    4. Dispute ID
    5. Transaction Date
    6. Posting Date
    7. Transaction Description
    8. Transaction Amount
    9. Chargeback Amount (Recovery Amount)
    10. Network (Acquirer Network)
    11. Reject Reason Code List
    12. Performed By

Chargeback reject activity is useful for understanding the effectiveness of recovery rules.

Business Events

Fix Post Review MC Chargeback Reject check Dependencies

Issue: When something sits in Review Reject too long and then is worked at a later date the system is not rechecking the chargeback deadline date.  If its past the date it should get out since we do not have rights anymore. This results in users cancelling the merchant credit checks for reject reason 5000 and its causing chargeback rejects for not pending log enough.

  1. When a MC Rejected Chargeback is reviewed prior to going back into the chargeback flow it should re-check the chargeback deadline, if past deadline it should route to process liability and not send a chargeback.
  2. When a MC Chargeback Rejected for 5000 and went into merchant credit check flow the cancel option is not available until the pend time is reached.

Resolved an issue where when a Mastercard Chargeback Reject assignment was worked it was not checking the chargeback deadline date. Prior to this fix, if the Chargeback Reject assignment was pended and worked at a later date and the chargeback deadline date had past, the chargeback would be rejected again instead of not going our due to past deadline date. This fix ensures that once a user reviews a chargeback reject from Mastercard and decided to pursue the chargeback QFD will perform a check to determine if the chargeback rights are still within timeframe. If past recovery deadline, QFD will route the case to Process Liability and not send a chargeback.
