QFD 23.03.230810.2

Version QFD 23.03.230810.2
Release Date 09/07/23
Description Hotfix

Release Notes

Category Summary Description Labels Acceptance Criteria Release Notes Documentation Link Story ID
Fix ATO and Assignment Groups (BugFix Retro)

ATO claims are setting ClaimType to Card which is not a valid value defined on the ClaimType property.

  1. ATO claims are able to be worked when leveraging assignment groups.
  2. Card is a defined value on Assignment groups.

Resolved a issue preventing ATO claims to be worked/segmented using assignment groups.

Assignment Group Management

Compatibility Make ARIA count class, refactor @baseclass count property

the @baseclass.count property introduce by the support business event hosed some cases in prod. We need to refactor this to not be in baseclass or to be named something really unique so it won't cause conflicts with other count properties.

  1. Aria count property, class, and class properties are defined
  2. @baseclass.count is withdrawn, new property defined for support business event.

Defined new properties in support of generating business events for ARIA actions.

Fix Reg E Withdrawal- PC Reversal Date Default

As a system, when a Reg E dispute is withdrawn and the user not configured to perform the reversal of a provisional credit on the same date as the withdrawal the defaulted debit, I should calculate the PC reversal date as 5 business days + 1 calendar day to ensure the regulatory requirement for 5 full business days of draft coverage is complied with.

  1. Client info>Application specific>Back Office setting " Set the default date for provisional credit debits on withdrawn disputes covered by Reg E to the date the withdrawal is processed?  If "No", a configurable number of business days will be added to the date (5 by default).":
    1. When enabled, and a claim is denied for a withdrawal the denial date is considered day 0. 
    2. When a Reg E dispute is withdrawn and provisional credit was previously issued...
      1. The PC reversal date displayed in the deny letter reflects the 5th full business day+ calendar day value set after the denial action.

Updated the Deny Debit Date calculation to ensure accountholders have full use of funds for 5 full business days as required by Regulation E. The new calculation counts the denial date as day 0 and the deny debit date will be set to 5 business days+1 calendar day to ensure provisional credit is not debited before the end of the 5th business day.

Enhancement Remove ARIA Results from Selected Tansactions

ARIA results take up a lot of memory.  QPS-8888 removed the data from the main claim object, however it still remains on the SelectedTransactionList.  We need to make sure that any time a claim is opened, that the ARIA details are removed from the SelectedTransactionList

  1. On open of a claim, all ARIA details should be removed from the .SelectedTransactionList

Optimized the storage of ARIA result data to improve application performance.

Fix Reg E - PC Reversal Date Default

As a system, when a claim is denied and the Deny Debit date is set the denial action should be counted as day 0. If a claim requires a reg e deny debit date of at least 5 business day, the reg E calculation will be 5 full business days + 1 calendar day to ensure the account holder has the funds for a full 5 business days.

  1. When a dispute is denied, the denial action is counted as day 0. 
  2. When a Reg E dispute is denied and provisional credit was previously issued...
    1. The PC reversal date displayed in the deny letter reflects the 5th full business day+ calendar day value set after the denial action.
  3. If I deny a claim on _________(enter date of test), the deny debit date should be 5 business days + 1 calendar day from the test date.

Updated the Deny Debit Date calculation to ensure accountholders have full use of funds until the regulatory protected 5 business days. The new calculation counts the denial date as day 0 and the deny debit date will be set to 5business days+1 calendar day to ensure provisional credit is not debited before the end of the 5th business day.

Fix Block and Reissue Failures for JH Symitar

Cards are not successfully blocked via JH Symitar.

  1. QFD converts the card locator to string as required and successfully blocks and reissues the card.
  2. When the block and reissue service fails it routes to a failure work queue.

Resolved an issue where cards were not successfully blocked and reissued via the Jack Henry Symitar service.

Enhancement ARIA - Data Storage

As a system, the ARIA data should be saved outside of the work object and in the Investigation tab.

  1. ARIA data is still accurately reflected in UI
  2. ARIA data is still accurately utilized via Pay/Deny/Refer decisioning
  3. ARIA data is no longer embedded in the work object, but is instead saved elsewhere (dev only)

Moved ARIA data results to the Investigation Tab instead of being stored to the work object.

Fix Case Status Widget: PC Doc Satisfied Date Issue

Summary: Whenever a statement of fraud or statement of dispute is required in order to grant pc, at the time that the document is received/processed, the PC Doc Requirement Satisfied Date/Time property should be set to reflect the current date/time.  This is not happening when the document requirement is being met via an upload from the status widget.

  1. When documents are required in order to grant provisional credit, when those documents are attached to the case via the case status widget, the PCDocRequirementSatisfiedDateTime is set to the current date time.

Resolved an issue where when a regulatory document is required in order to grant provisional credit and the required document is uploaded via the External Case Status Widget the document dependency was not updated. This fix ensures that documents uploaded through the External Case Status Widget update the PC Doc Requirement Satisfied Date/Time property. 

Fix Duplicate Credits on Account

As a system, when the reg resolution date is reached any PC review assignment should be removed. 

  1. When a claim has a PC Review Assignment and the claim reaches reg resolution date and QFD pays the claim, the existing PC review assignment:
    1. Option to Grant PC is not an available button.  
    2. Option to Grant Final Credit is not an available button.
    3. Option exists:
      1. Resume case 
      2. Pend
      3. Deny All
  2. (regression) When a claim has a PC Review Assignment and the claim reaches reg 10 PC date and QFD systematically grants PC, the existing PC review assignment:
    1. Option to Grant PC is not an available selection.  
  3. When final credit has been issued, before PC review completed, users should not be able to issue PC from Other Actions.
  4. (regression) when PC is issued, users should not be able to issue PC from Other Actions. 
  5. (regression) When claim is denied and later reopened, If the user states No to the question "reissue PC", users should have the ability to issue PC through the Other Action Menu.

When a cases reaches the provisional credit SLA deadline and provisional credit is issued by the reg; the assignment should be moved ahead in the workflow.  The change below resolves an issue where the provisional credit review assignment was not resolved at regulatory deadline and the users had the ability to still grant PC even though the provisional credit was already systematically granted. This fix ensures if PC is granted by the system, the option to grant PC is not available in the remaining assignment or from the Other Actions menu.

Enhancement Dispute Regulatory Protection Activity

As an analyst, I should have field on the Dispute table that reflects when regulatory protection was enforced.

  1. When regulatory protection is applied to a dispute, event is created
  2. When an event is created, the following details are included in the dispute event
    1. Protection Decision
    2. Protection Decision DateTime
    3. PCDocRequirementSatisfiedDateTime

This simple event is useful for real-time tracking and reporting of disputes that are automatically resolved by the system due to a regulatory deadline approaching.

Business Events

Enhancement Monitoring Average Counts (Business Monitoring) (Dev Only)

The below average should be added to the business monitoring section of the QSR dashboard


Average number of accounting processed by accounting rule name.

Average number of accounting executed by accounting rule name.

Average number of accounting executed by execution method (e.g. AUTO vs Tracking Only).

Average number of letters sent by purpose.

Average number of recovery actions processed by action name

  1. We have the ability to send over non-assignment metrics to Snowflake, in the form of Metric Type/Total
  2. Average numbers of processed accounting are accurately reflected on the Snowflake dashboard
  3. Average numbers of executed accounting by accounting rule name are accurately reflected on the Snowflake dashboard
  4. Average numbers of executed accounting by execution method are accurately reflected on the Snowflake dashboard
  5. Average numbers of letters sent are accurately reflected on the Snowflake dashboard
  6. Average numbers of recovery actions are accurately reflected on the Snowflake dashboard

Adding of business related monitoring details to the snowflake dashboard

Fix Denial Not Approved Prior to Reg 10

As a system, when a claim is in PC Review and a user attempts to deny the claim, but the claim is routed to approval, if the denial approval was completed before Reg 10, Provisional Credit should be granted.

  1. If a claim is in PC review, then denied, then waiting on an approval, then regE10 hits and pc is granted via ticket GrantProvisionalCredit , IsPendingResolutionApproval should not be equal to true

Resolved an issue where when a user did not issue PC on a claim and attempted to deny the claim PC Review which required a deny approval, if the deny approval was not processed by Reg day 10, PC was not granted on the claim. This fix ensures PC will be granted by Reg day 10 if the deny approval was not yet processed. 
