QFD 23.03.230515.2

Version QFD 23.03.230515.2
Release Date 06/08/23
Description Hotfix

Release Notes

Category Summary Description Labels Acceptance Criteria Release Notes Documentation Link Story ID
Fix Mastercom Downtime Chargeback Errors

As a system, when a chargeback fails due to Mastercard being down, QFD should verify if a chargeback ID was created. If the chargeback was created but the document was not successful it should route into the update document flow.

  1. When the Mastercard chargeback is successful MC_Claim is called to verify the document status.
    1. If the document was attached successfully, continues through the flow
    2. If the document was not attached QFD will route into the flow to reupload the document.
  2. When the Mastercard chargeback fails but after calling MC claim the chargeback was successful, MC claim is called to verify the document status. 
    1. If the document was attached successfully, continues through the flow
    2. If the document was not attached QFD will route into the flow to reupload the document.

Resolved an issue where when a Mastercard chargeback was attempted and an error was received, QFD was not confirming a Chargeback ID was created. This fix ensures that when a chargeback fails QFD will confirm if a chargeback ID was successfully created and verify the document status was successfully attached. If the documentation was not successfully attached the claim will route into the update document flow to re-upload the document.
