QFD 23.03.230714.2

Version QFD 23.03.230714.2
Release Date 07/19/23
Description Hotfix

Release Notes

Category Summary Description Labels Acceptance Criteria Release Notes Documentation Link Story ID
Fix Reg Covered Disputes Are Not Being Reviewed for PC

As a system, when Initial Interaction Decision is determining Provisional Credit it should consider Reg Z claims when determining if Reg protections apply. Additionally, when configured to review All claims that did not immediately receive Provisional Credit during the Initial Interaction Decision, all claims should be routed to a user to review.

  1. When configured to Review Specifically for PC (All Claims),
    1. when a Reg z claim is filed, the IID PC decision is set to Review.
    2. (regression) when a Reg E claim is filed, the IID PC decision is set to Review
  2. When configured to Review Specifically for PC (Reg Bound Only ),
    1. when a Reg z claim is filed, the IID PC decision is set to Review
    2. (regression) when a Reg E claim is filed, the IID PC decision is set to Review

Resolved an issue where when the Initial Interaction Decision was determining if reg protections apply, it was only looking for Reg E covered disputes. This fix ensures that both Reg E and Reg Z is reviewed when determining if the Provisional Credit decision should be set to Review.
