QFD 23.03.230407.2

Version QFD 23.03.230407.2
Release Date 04/07/23
Description Hotfix

Release Notes

Category Summary Description Labels Acceptance Criteria Release Notes Documentation Link Story ID
Fix Incorrectly passing fields for post mandates.
Source Target Target version Status \n QVO_FW_FB_Claims_R_V [Branch: QPS-8440] QVO_FW_FB_Claims_R_V 23-01-12 Completed Merged 1 of 1


Visa mandates introduced asking new fields for the dispute reason cancelled recurring.  These fields should not be passed for any other dispute reasons.

  1. When a non cancelled recurring dispute is submitted to Visa the below fields are not mapped in the request message.
    1. ContactMethodWithMerchantInd
    2. ContactMethodMerchantEmailInd
    3. ContactMethodMerchantCallCenterInd
    4. ContactMethodMerchantMailInd
    5. ContactMethodMerchantSMSInd
    6. ContactMethodMerchantInPersonInd
    7. ContactMethodMerchantWebformInd
    8. ContactMerchantDetailsPhoneNumber
    9. ContactMerchantDetailsEmailAddress
    10. ContactMerchantDetailsPhysicalAddress
    11. ContactMerchantDetailsApplicationName
  2. When a cancelled recurring dispute is submitted to Visa the below fields are passed as required.

Resolved an issue where new fields added during Visa Mandates were being sent with other Visa chargebacks. This fix ensures that post Mandates, the fields added are only sent for Recurring Cancelled Chargebacks.

Fix Cross Boarder Mastercard Transactions should be sent in USD Currency

As a system, when a MasterCard Transaction is identified as Cross boarder transaction, QFD must send the Chargeback in USD.

  1. When IsMCCrossboarderTransaction is true, the chargeback is sent in USD.

Resolves a issue where cross border disputes are not correctly setting recovery currency.

Fix Deny Reason Validation on Reopen Request Review

As a user, I should be required to provide a reason and any required justifications when denying a dispute reopen request.

  1. When a claim is denied and a reopen request is received, and the user decides to decline the request, the user cannot proceed without selecting a denial reason from the drop down list.
    1. Deny Reasons appear as expected based on users configuration:
      1. No error/Accountholder Liable
      2. Merchant Credit
      3. Credit Voucher Accepted
      4. Duplicate Dispute
      5. Out of Timeframe
      6. Posted Late
      7. Withdrawn
  2. If deny justifications are enabled, users cannot proceed without selecting the required number of justifications.
  3. When the denial letter is generated the selected deny justification bullets appear as expected.

Resolved an issue where when a claim was denied and a reopen request was submitted, users were not required to select a deny reason when declining the request. This fix ensures that users must select a deny reason to complete the Review Reopen Request assignment, as well as any required justifications.

Fix Withdrawn From Disposition - Letter Table Row

As a system, when a user selects Do Not Pursue Recovery for All at disposition and selects the denial reason "Customer Withdrawal" the letter should populate the dispute details as well as the denial date.

  1. When a user selects Do Not Pursue Recovery for All at Disposition and due to "Customer Withdrawal" deny reason the letter populates with the transaction grid as expected.
  2. If the claim is being withdrawn and the transactions have different credit types issued, the preview of the letter should not display.

Resolved an issue where when a user selected Do Not Pursue Recovery for All at disposition and selected the denial reason "Customer Withdrew" the letter would attempt to populate without a table row. This fix ensures that when a user attempts to withdraw all at disposition the table row populates as expected. Additionally, when a user performs a bulk action to deny a claim with multiple disputes and the disputes have a different credit type (provisional, final, no credit) a letter preview will no longer be available. In its place a disclosure will be displayed indicating that due to the credit types applied a letter will be generated for each scenario and can be viewed in the Notification node to review a preview of each letter.

Compatibility ACH Return Code R29

As an ACH user, I should have the ability to process a return with code:

R29 - Corporate Customer Advises Not Authorized.

  1. R29 (Corporate Customer Advises Not Authorized) is an available return reason for ACH recovery
  2. The deadline for processing a return under this condition is 2 business days from the transaction date

Added support for ACH Return Code R29 ("Corporate Customer Advises Not Authorized").
