QFD 23.03.230706.1

Version QFD 23.03.230706.1
Release Date 07/19/23
Description Hotfix

Release Notes

Category Summary Description Labels Acceptance Criteria Release Notes Documentation Link Story ID
Fix Cancel Recurring Failures Contact Method With Merchant Ind

Issue:  The ContactMethodWithMerchantInd property on a Visa Recurring Cancelled chargeback should always be set to true and the Contact Method should always be required. 

  1. When disputing a Visa case for cancelling recurring and a chargeback is submitted the tag ContactMethodWithMerchantInd should be passed as true in the request message to Visa.
  2. When the user answers  How did you contact the merchant to cancel? Mail (Yes), the system should request for Please provide the mailing address you contacted.
    1. On the Initiate Dispute Request Message, the tags should be visible for:
      1. ContactMethodMerchantMailInd set as true
      2. ContactMerchantDetailsPhysicalAddress with the response provided by the user.
  3. When the user answers  How did you contact the merchant to cancel? In-Person(Yes), the system should request for Please provide the physical address you contacted.
    1. On the Initiate Dispute Request Message, the tags should be visible for:
      1. ContactMethodMerchantInPersonInd set as true
      2. ContactMerchantDetailsPhysicalAddress with the response provided by the user.
  4. When the user is answering both Questions: How did you contact the merchant to cancel? Mail (Yes) and In-Person(Yes), the value for the tagContactMerchantDetailsPhysicalAddress should contain the answered provided by the user on :  Please provide the mailing address you contacted. 

The Visa Questionnaire was updated to ask the address details for in person as required by Visa.  This fix ensures that the Visa Cancelled Recurring chargebacks are successful. 

Visa Questionnaire Cancelled Recurring

Fix Recovery Rights Error

As a system, we should be comparing the Visa Authorization Transaction Date instead of the SOR Transaction Date when determining if the transaction was approved after Fraud Reporting. Today, QFD is incorrectly setting the recovery rights to fail causing users to manually recover.

  1. The Visa Authorization Transaction Data is used to compare recovery rights to determine if the transaction was approved after Fraud Reporting was confirmed.
  2. (regression) If Visa Authorization Transaction Data is not available the recovery right is set to indeterminate 
  3. (regression) When disputing a Visa Fraud case for (10.3 or 10.4) the system will not allow a fraud transaction to be disputed that posted after a fraud report has been filed on the same card.

Resolved an issue where Recovery rights were incorrectly set to Fail due to utilizing the SOR transaction data to determine if the transaction was approved after Fraud Reporting was performed. This fic ensures that, when available, Visa Authorization Transaction Date is utilized instead of instead of the SOR Transaction Date.
