QFD 23.03.230310.2

Version QFD 23.03.230310.2
Release Date 06/08/23
Description Hotfix

Release Notes

Category Summary Description Labels Acceptance Criteria Release Notes Documentation Link Story ID
Fix Blank Transaction Details -Extra validation

As a system, the transaction details for all disputes should be available on the Overview tab.

  1. Transaction details are not wiped should the user perform Bulk Take Action --> Do Not Pursue Recovery after initially clicking on Do Not Pursue Recovery for All.

Resolved an issue where transaction details were cleared after a user performed a Bulk Take Action. This fix ensures that transaction details persist when a Bulk Take Action is completed and the transaction details on the Overview tab are always available to the user. 

Fix Do Not Send Letter - Reopen Request

As a system, when a user declines a request to reopen a dispute and select to not send a letter to the cardholder, when they process the request the letter should not be generated. 

  1. When a user declines a reopen request and chooses not to send the letter, a letter is not generated.
  2. When a user declines a reopen request and chooses to send the letter, a letter is generated.
    1. If deny justification are used only the deny justifications that were selected appear in the generated letter.

Resolved an issue where when a user declined a request to reopen a dispute and selects to not send a letter, a letter was still generated, requiring a user to cancel the letter. This fix ensures that if during a reopen request a user selects to not send a letter, the letter is not generated by QFD. 
